annotationsatharvard / catcha

Catch-A - Catching Annotation: An annotation backend and API.
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Report API Call Request: Total Num Given Course_id #75

Open lduarte1991 opened 8 years ago

lduarte1991 commented 8 years ago

@jmiranda Given our conversation about requesting api calls for reporting, here's the first request:

Given a call with course_id as a parameter I should get the total number of annotations:

    course_id: fake_course_id, // to validate once returned
    total_anno_num: 1500, // # of annotations WHERE course_id = fake_course_id
    collections: [{
        collection_id: fake_collection_id1,
        total_anno_num: 300, // # of annotations WHERE collection_id=fake_collection_id1 AND course_id=fake_course_id
        objects: [{
            object_id: object_id1
            total_anno_num: 25, // # of annotations WHERE course_id=fake_course_id AND collection_id=fake_collection_id1 AND object_id=object_id1
        }, {
    }, {

Ideally making this one call would be best, though if in the meantime there's one call where I send a request per item that I want, that would be fine too.


/catch/annotator/report_totals?course_id=fake_course_id //returns 1500
/catch/annotator/report_totals?course_id=fake_course_id&collection_id=fake_collection_id1 // returns 300
/catch/annotator/report_totals?course_id=fake_course_id&collection_id=fake_collection_id1&object_id=object_id1 //returns 25

The question is what does catch handle better? One call where I ask for everything or several calls where I ask for each part individually.

jmiranda commented 8 years ago

Thanks @lduarte1991. I'll give it some thought, but I think one call is fine as long as the data returned is related to the request. However, I don't know if I like the aggregation of "collections" under the root. That could become really expensive if there are lots of collections and lots of objects. And do we actually use course_id yet? I don't remember adding that as an indexed field.

lduarte1991 commented 8 years ago

@jmiranda oh actually... course_id is supposed to be context_id, I conflated the terms. And well it will be really expensive either way cause I will either make one call with all those items or a bunch of smaller calls all at once.