annotorious / annotorious-v1

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Unminified source for annotorious.okfn.0.3.js #121

Open itskingori opened 9 years ago

itskingori commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to get this? I was able to download the Annotorious plugin for Annotator from:

tsi commented 9 years ago

Ever found it? Wanted to use it as a reference for my own plugin...

itskingori commented 9 years ago

@tsi Nope. I'd presume it's what's in the \src folder but I'm not familiar to the tooling (how to build etc.) ...

notbrain commented 8 years ago

I know it's been a while but I just built annotorious with the plovr jar from another project...if you can get me the 0.3 source code I could try and build it for you. If you can use the latest version I can easily provide that, but didn't see a tag at 0.3 - just 0.2 and then 0.4.

Download plovr.jar from and put in plovr/plovr4.jar then run the command (inside a new checkout of annotorious):

java -jar plovr/plovr4.jar build standalone.json > annotorious.raw.js

with standalone.json modified to RAW mode:

  "id": "annotorious",
  "define": {
    "goog.DEBUG": false,
    "goog.dom.ASSUME_STANDARDS_MODE": true
  "inputs": [
    "src/api.js"           // exports JS API and sets up the plugin namespace
  "paths": [
  "externs": [
  "mode": "RAW",      // "RAW" or "ADVANCED"
  "level": "DEFAULT",      // "DEFAULT" or "VERBOSE"
  "pretty-print": true,
  "debug": false