annotorious / annotorious-v1

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ERROR Error: Error: Annotorious does not support this media type in the current version or build configuration. #205

Open rvuyyuru1 opened 5 years ago

rvuyyuru1 commented 5 years ago

please help me out
i am using jpg image serving from firebase

and i am using latest version of annotorious plugin

the error is caused due to this this.anno.makeAnnotatable(this.myAnnotation);

jimdeng92 commented 5 years ago

Well, I've had the same problem with openseadragon. When I need to use anno. makeAnnotatable () in mounted vue, anno me this error. I want to know if your situation is as up-to-date as mine. Thank you.

export default {

  mounted () {
wuliupo commented 5 years ago

hi @rajashekarreddy2222 @aaaxiu

maybe you should call the makeAnnotatable after the image loaded.

<img src="THE_IMAGE_URL" onload="init(this)">
function init(image) {
   anno.makeAnnotatable(image);   // if it is vue.js, you can use $refs
ursuresh commented 5 years ago

how about dynamic images will it work for that ?.

in my case also same issue i am getting Error: Annotorious does not support this media type in the current version or build configuration.

var viewer = OpenSeadragon({ id: "openSeaDemo", prefixUrl: "", //tileSources: "", tileSources: { type: 'legacy-image-pyramid', levels: [{ url: '', height: 889, width: 600 }, { url: '', height: 2201, width: 1485 }, { url: '', height: 4402, width: 2970 }] }, showNavigator: true }); //anno.makeAnnotatable(document.getElementById('myImage1')); //anno.makeAnnotatable(document.getElementById('myImage2')); annotoriousService.makeAnnotatable(viewer); annotoriousService.activateSelector();

      annotoriousService.addHandler('onAnnotationCreated', function (annotation) {
        console.log("onAnnotationCreated", JSON.stringify(annotation));
TipsyDr commented 4 years ago



VAR =观察者OpenSeadragon({ ID: “openSeaDemo”, prefixUrl: “ ”, // tileSources:“ HTTPS://openseadragon.github。 io / example-images / highsmith / highsmith.dzi “, tileSources:{类型:“ legacy-image-pyramid”,级别:[{url:' ',高度:889,宽度:600},{网址:'',高度:2201,宽度:1485},{网址:'https:/ /',高度:4402,宽度:2970}]}, showNavigator:true }); //anno.makeAnnotatable(document.getElementById('myImage1')); //anno.makeAnnotatable(document.getElementById('myImage2')); annotoriousService.makeAnnotatable(viewer); annotoriousService.activateSelector();

      annotoriousService.addHandler('onAnnotationCreated', function (annotation) {
        console.log("onAnnotationCreated", JSON.stringify(annotation));

Hello, have you solved your problem

TipsyDr commented 4 years ago



VAR =观察者OpenSeadragon({ ID: “openSeaDemo”, prefixUrl: “ ”, // tileSources:“ HTTPS://openseadragon.github。 io / example-images / highsmith / highsmith.dzi “, tileSources:{类型:“ legacy-image-pyramid”,级别:[{url:' ',高度:889,宽度:600},{网址:'',高度:2201,宽度:1485},{网址:'https:/ /',高度:4402,宽度:2970}]}, showNavigator:true }); //anno.makeAnnotatable(document.getElementById('myImage1')); //anno.makeAnnotatable(document.getElementById('myImage2')); annotoriousService.makeAnnotatable(viewer); annotoriousService.activateSelector();

      annotoriousService.addHandler('onAnnotationCreated', function (annotation) {
        console.log("onAnnotationCreated", JSON.stringify(annotation));

Hello, have you solved your problem

TipsyDr commented 4 years ago

嗨@ rajashekarreddy2222 @aaaxiu


< img  src = “ THE_IMAGE_URL ”  onload = “ init(this)” >
功能 的init(图像){
    阿鲁。makeAnnotatable(图片);   //如果是vue.js,则可以使用$ refs 

Hello, have you solved your problem