anodynos / uRequire

The Ultimate JavaScript Module Builder & Automagical Task Runner. Convert AMD & CommonJS/NodeJS modules to UMD, AMD, CommonJS or bundle them as `combined.js` (rjs & almond, AMDclean soon) & automagically run/test/watch them on nodejs, Web/AMD or Web/Script. Declarative & DRY config with inheritance. Manipulate & inject dependencies, module code, banners, version etc while building with a single line. Support two kinds of plugins, ResourceConverter (i.e file level) and AfterBuilder (i.e the whole bundle). Transparent support for Coffeescript, IcedCoffeescript, Coco, LiveScript – they’re just JavaScript :-)
MIT License
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Use async file operations #38

Closed englercj closed 10 years ago

englercj commented 10 years ago

Right now all IO is done synchronously. The speed of this library could be greatly increased by doing IO operations asynchronously, and even operating on multiple files at once.

I would be more than happy to write it for you if this library wasn't written in CoffeeScript. I do think it is very important to look at making this library async however, since that is almost certainly why it is so slow.

anodynos commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the interest. Becoming async would be great, as mentioned in #30 & #33.

It would be nice to know the magnitude of speed increase for sync VS async file IO. I was looking for some I/O benchmarks and I found, which unfortunately isn't dealing with file IO. But still it looks like there's a small magnitude of speed increase (~0.1) for single pipeline scenarios, which is good but not amazing.

I m sure async shows it teeth on UI, or multi user/request scenarios, or multiple parallel DB queries etc. But still, I see people using sync for nodejs file IO all the time - for example grunt 4.x uses some sync internally. Perhaps its not such a demise.

That is not to say I dont wish for async for uRequire - there are many benefits to it. I hope uRequire v2.x can become the core of an on-the-fly-compiled-modules-server scenario, where async would be paramount.

To be on the right path, it would be great if someone could provide a small file IO benchmark for sync & async, eg:

PS: dont be afraid of coffee-script - "its just javascript", and it rocks even if you just use it a sugar syntax and avoding ))})}))}; hell!

englercj commented 10 years ago

I think the benefit for uRequire is that you operate on a lot of files in sequence, when those same files could be operated on in parallel. That is where you will get your speed increase.

anodynos commented 10 years ago

I just executed the simplest benchmark scenario that validates that uRequire's slowness has nothing to do with IO (and not being async).

The test is to convert uBerscore v0.0.15 specs, in 4 ways:

Using uRequire 0.6.8beta5 with

    debugLevel: 0
    copy: undefined
    files: ['**/*.coffee']

1) The normal build is to treat all ~40 modules, well as Modules.

>> grunt-urequire: task 'spec' #1 is done in 5.712 secs (:-)

2) Then we treat all modules ['#asTextResource', ['**/*.js']], (this is actually a ResourceConverter).

>> grunt-urequire: task 'spec' #1 is done in 1.218 secs (:-)

3) Run with ['&asBundleFile', ['*/.js'] ] with copy: [/./]

>> grunt-urequire: task 'spec' #1 is done in 0.044 secs (:-)

4) Run with ResourceConverter

     (cs = rcFind('#coffee-script')).convert = (f)-> f.source

which effectivelly disables module treatement AND coffeescript compilation

>> grunt-urequire: task 'spec' #1 is done in 0.041 secs (:-) 

I think its conclusive: SYNC IO is not the real speed problem, its the parsing/genarating etc.