For example, this currently doesn't pass termination:
-- FIXME fails instance termination
StateT-MonadReader {R S : Type} {M : Type → Type} {{mreader : MonadReader R M}} : MonadReader R (StateT S M) :=
monad := StateT-Monad@{mon := MonadReader.monad {{mreader}}};
reader {A : Type} : (R → A) → StateT S M A := liftStateT << MonadReader.reader;
ask : StateT S M R := liftStateT MonadReader.ask;
monad := StateT-Monad@{mon := MMonadReader.monad {{mreader}}};
reader {A : Type} : (R → A) → StateT S M A := liftStateT << MMonadReader.reader;
ask : StateT S M R := liftStateT MMonadReader.ask;
The problem is that R does not decrease. We should do proper termination checking, trying to find a lexicographic order.
For example, this currently doesn't pass termination:
The problem is that
does not decrease. We should do proper termination checking, trying to find a lexicographic order.