anoma / juvix

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Case expressions at the root of a definition should contribute to termination #3060

Open janmasrovira opened 6 days ago

janmasrovira commented 6 days ago

E.g. it should be possible to write

isMember {A} (testEq : A → A → Bool) (element : A) (list : List A) : Bool := case list of {
  | nil := false
  | x :: xs := testEq element x || isMember testEq element xs 

Moreover, we'd like to support simultaneously casing on multiple elements with the help of the Pair type (or any other product type) and still detect termination.

zipWith {A B C} (f : A -> B -> C) (list1 : List A) (list2 : List B) : List C := case list1, list2 of {
  | nil, _ := nil
  | _, nil := nil
  | x :: xs, y :: ys := f x y :: zipWith f xs ys