anon-real / ErgoAuctionHouse

Decentralized auction on top of ERGO.
MIT License
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Create a verified Artist / Collector page #16

Open FQqCr3tfH2ndE opened 3 years ago

FQqCr3tfH2ndE commented 3 years ago

The artist should be able to verify by filling out a form submitting: 1) user pic + cover +custom link 2) links to social media profiles 3) additional custom presentation content / story or collection by adding the NFTs and a description of them + current/past auctions 4) link to addresses (an artist could use more than one address to buy, and a collector more than one to buy) 5) Contact information => all available on a link that can be shared by the artist as a summary go to page to see his current auctions that can also be bookmarked.