anon-real / ErgoAuctionHouse

Decentralized auction on top of ERGO.
MIT License
30 stars 18 forks source link

Scam signposting #50

Open HazeyOneKenobi opened 2 years ago

HazeyOneKenobi commented 2 years ago

Add a user-removable banner to the main page detailing that scam NFT's are present on the marketplace, and how to avoid by checking mint address.

Alternatively add a mention of scams and how to avoid in FAQ.

As it stands, without speaking to the community it is hard to find info as it isn't anywhere on-site. It can't be expected that newcomers can avoid auctionhouse scams without any info present for them to do so.

ergonauts1 commented 2 years ago

I agree that this is a low effort solution to bring attention to the fact that some eNFTS are not originals, and what steps can be taken to avoid purchasing them. I would also considering adding the duplicate checking tool: