anon-real / ErgoAuctionHouse

Decentralized auction on top of ERGO.
MIT License
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Could not connect already created Nautilus wallet for the first time, but new wallet connects #53

Open ccgarant opened 9 months ago

ccgarant commented 9 months ago

Upon trying to use Auction House, with a ledger and non-ledger password wallet, both which connect on SpectrumFi, I could not successfully connect it. The page would show connected, but upon doing the 0.005 txn fee to confirm, it would post errors. "Bad Token" for the Ledger and "Error" for the password. I'll note, even it shows successful password, but then fails after that.

qx() recommended I create a new wallet. I did in Satergo, and restored in Nautilus, standard 15 word / password wallet. For some odd reason this worked, and the 0.005 txn fee confirmation succeeds after the password.

I'm not sure what the difference is, but it was pretty frustrating and confusing, and probably needs to be looked into for new user on-ramp success. Perhaps better error messages too? Thanks!