anonaddy / docker

AnonAddy Docker image
MIT License
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Disable sender's host check on Helo #225

Open buxm opened 1 year ago

buxm commented 1 year ago


I am dealing with a perfectly legitimate online service (a utility company) where I am trying to registering a new email address generated by my self hosted Anonaddy. They send an email to that address with a verification link. However my Anonaddy rejects that email with the following error from the logs:

postfix/smtpd[1281]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 450 4.7.1 <>: Helo command rejected: Host not found; from=<senderaddress> to=<myanonaddyaddress> proto=ESMTP helo=<>

So there is no way to use my Anonaddy with them. I know this is because their email service is ill configured. Considering their IT skills don't seem great, it's quite likely that even if I notify them of the issue they won't take suggestions from a random customer, maybe they won't even understand it or they will be just too lazy to do anything. In the end, if I give them a gmail address, the email with the verification link gets successfully delivered. So I'm probably going to be the only customer raising the issue. Also, I'm expecting many other legitimate but ill configured online services/applications to have the same/similar issue.

Would it make sense to have an option to disable the sender host name verification on the Helo command? So to accept emails from those misconfigured services just like Gmail does.