anonaddy / docker

AnonAddy Docker image
MIT License
468 stars 51 forks source link

Alpine Linux 3.19 #245

Open crazy-max opened 6 months ago

crazy-max commented 6 months ago

Build seems to hang with Alpine 3.19. Not sure if linked to QEMU:

#39 [linux/arm/v6 stage-1 5/6] RUN apk --no-cache add -t build-dependencies     git     nodejs     npm   && node --version   && npm --version   && addgroup -g 1000 anonaddy   && adduser -D -h /var/www/anonaddy -u 1000 -G anonaddy -s /bin/sh -D anonaddy   && addgroup anonaddy mail   && curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/bin --filename=composer   && git config --global --add /var/www/anonaddy   && git init . && git remote add origin ""   && git fetch --depth 1 origin "v1.0.3" && git checkout -q FETCH_HEAD   && composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev --no-interaction --no-ansi --ignore-platform-req=php-64bit   && chown -R anonaddy. /var/www/anonaddy   && npm ci --ignore-scripts   && APP_URL=https://addy-sh.test/ npm run production   && npm prune --production   && chown -R nobody.nogroup /var/www/anonaddy   && apk del build-dependencies   && rm -rf /root/.composer     /root/.config     /root/.npm     /var/www/anonaddy/.git     /var/www/anonaddy/node_modules     /tmp/*
Error: The operation was canceled.