Open Giuseppe-Lo-Re opened 4 months ago
I'm working on an Android app with react native/android studio/@azure service-bus. After this issue with @azure service-bus , I installed fastestsmallesttextencoderdecoder: I created globals.js:
global.TextEncoder = require('fastestsmallesttextencoderdecoder').TextEncoder; global.TextDecoder = require('fastestsmallesttextencoderdecoder').TextDecoder;
and imported in my form:
import '../../../../globals'; import 'react-native-get-random-values'; import { Buffer } from 'buffer'; global.Buffer = Buffer; global.process = require('process'); import { WebSocketWrapper } from '../../../../wsWrapper'; import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { View, Text, TouchableOpacity, Image } from 'react-native'; import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form'; import { ServiceBusClient } from '@azure/service-bus'; import CustomButton from '../../../../common/components/CustomButton/custom-button'; import CustomTextInput from '../../../../common/components/CustomButton/CustomTextInput/CustomTextInput'; import { styles } from './styles'; interface IForm { onClose: () => void; } const connectionString = "*hidden*"; const topicName = "*hidden*"; const Form: React.FunctionComponent<IForm>= ({ onClose }) => { const [sending, setSending] = useState<boolean>(false) const defaultValues = { firstName: '', lastName: '', description: '', }; const { control, handleSubmit, formState: { errors }, reset } = useForm({ defaultValues, }); const sendMessage = async (data: any) => { setSending(true); const sbClient = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString, { webSocketOptions: { webSocket: WebSocketWrapper as any, }, }); const sender = sbClient.createSender(topicName); try { const message = { body: JSON.stringify(data), applicationProperties: { device: 1 }, }; console.log("Message to be sent:", message); console.log("Sending message..."); await sender.sendMessages(message); console.log("Message sent successfully."); console.log(`Sent message: ${JSON.stringify(data)} to the topic: ${topicName}`); await sender.close(); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } finally { await sbClient.close(); setSending(false); } }; const onSubmit = (data: any) => { console.log("data:", data); sendMessage(data).catch(error => { console.error("Submit error:", error); }); }; useEffect(() => { reset(defaultValues); }, []); return ( <View style={styles.container}> <TouchableOpacity style={styles.closeButton} onPress={onClose}> <View style={}> <Text style={styles.cross}>X</Text> </View> </TouchableOpacity> <View style={styles.logoContainer}> <Image source={require('../../../../public/logo.png')} style={styles.logo} /> </View> <CustomTextInput control={control} name="firstName" rules={{ required: true }} error={errors.firstName} errorMessage="First name is required" placeholder="First name" style={styles.input} /> <CustomTextInput control={control} name="lastName" rules={{ required: true }} error={errors.lastName} errorMessage="Last name is required" placeholder="Last name" style={styles.input} /> <CustomTextInput control={control} name="description" rules={{ required: true }} error={errors.description} errorMessage="Description is required" placeholder="Description" multiline={true} numberOfLines={10} style={[styles.input, styles.textArea]} /> <View style={styles.buttonWrapper}> <CustomButton title={sending ? "Sending..." : "Submit"} disabled={sending} buttonStyle={styles.button} textStyle={styles.buttonText} onPress={handleSubmit(onSubmit)} /> </View> </View> ); }; export default Form;
when i submit the form, I have this error: Error 0: TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined
I hope you can help me solve
Regards, Giuseppe Lo Re
I'm working on an Android app with react native/android studio/@azure service-bus. After this issue with @azure service-bus , I installed fastestsmallesttextencoderdecoder: I created globals.js:
and imported in my form:
when i submit the form, I have this error: Error 0: TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined
I hope you can help me solve
Regards, Giuseppe Lo Re