anonymous47823493 / EagleEye

(ECCV'2020 Oral)EagleEye: Fast Sub-net Evaluation for Efficient Neural Network Pruning
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I have an idea as an extension of your work. #33

Closed mistake0316 closed 3 years ago

mistake0316 commented 3 years ago

I have just read your paper, and I do not have enough GPU & coding ability for test my idea. I hope you can try my idea if you think it is reasonable.

In your work, you re-register the pruned candidate networks' mean and standrad deviation of a convolution layer's output before the scale and bias term of a batch-normalization layer(you call it adaptive batch normalization). In my understanding, it can only be used for a network with batch-normalization layer.

My idea is simple, but I think it can attach to any convolutional network. Before pruning, you can do a pseudo batch-norm for your network.

For an original conv-layer's output (without following a batch-norm layer) You can pseudo batch-norm your layers' output with that

Where is the statistic of the original network(before pruning). For the pruned candicate network, I think you can just re-register the std and mean to the following equation:

Where is the statistic of the pruned network.

The reason of my adjustment is that. I think if the pruned model has same statistic value(mean & std) of the old model (like your work), then it may have the same result like your work, but it can use for a model without batch-norm layer.

Bowenwu1 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your extraordinary thinking! Your theory looks right! Your idea looks like inserting BN-layer to a model w/o BN. I will take the time to experiment with your idea.