anonymousException / renpy-translator

A translator for renpy based on google | youdao | deepl | open-ai | offline-ai tranlation supports extract untranslated words and translate
MIT License
61 stars 9 forks source link

key of ChatGPT's API /Language of the programme menu #14

Closed 1666059026 closed 3 months ago

1666059026 commented 3 months ago

1 Hi, can you add an interface function code?

For example, you only need the secret key of ChatGPT's API to use it, adding a new interface which is still hard to get for someone like me who is not familiar with programming!

2 Can the language of the program menu be added to the ChatGPT translation?

People are more familiar with the native language, and the menu will feel better in the native language.

anonymousException commented 3 months ago

1 Hi, can you add an interface function code?

For example, you only need the secret key of ChatGPT's API to use it, adding a new interface which is still hard to get for someone like me who is not familiar with programming!

2 Can the language of the program menu be added to the ChatGPT translation?

People are more familiar with the native language, and the menu will feel better in the native language.

  1. ChatGPT is already supported before: image

2.Do you mean translate the program to other language like Portuguese ... ?

1666059026 commented 3 months ago

1 Hi, can you add an interface function code? For example, you only need the secret key of ChatGPT's API to use it, adding a new interface which is still hard to get for someone like me who is not familiar with programming! 2 Can the language of the program menu be added to the ChatGPT translation? People are more familiar with the native language, and the menu will feel better in the native language.

  1. ChatGPT is already supported before: image

2.Do you mean translate the program to other language like Portuguese ... ?

Yes, I would like to add Chinese. You can use ChatGPT to translate the menu.

1666059026 commented 3 months ago

I notice you are improving the software by adding a compiler mode. Is it possible to also add a local terminology database mode? As you should be aware, it's frustrating when the same word continues to be translated incorrectly even after it has been polished

Whether it's Google or ChatGPT, repeated translations of certain words translate differently

anonymousException commented 3 months ago

1 Hi, can you add an interface function code? For example, you only need the secret key of ChatGPT's API to use it, adding a new interface which is still hard to get for someone like me who is not familiar with programming! 2 Can the language of the program menu be added to the ChatGPT translation? People are more familiar with the native language, and the menu will feel better in the native language.

  1. ChatGPT is already supported before: image

2.Do you mean translate the program to other language like Portuguese ... ?

Yes, I would like to add Chinese. You can use ChatGPT to translate the menu.

Chinese is supportable now image

anonymousException commented 3 months ago

I notice you are improving the software by adding a compiler mode. Is it possible to also add a local terminology database mode? As you should be aware, it's frustrating when the same word continues to be translated incorrectly even after it has been polished

Whether it's Google or ChatGPT, repeated translations of certain words translate differently

(⊙﹏⊙) Maybe in future version? Replace certain words with local database , right?

1666059026 commented 3 months ago

I notice you are improving the software by adding a compiler mode. Is it possible to also add a local terminology database mode? As you should be aware, it's frustrating when the same word continues to be translated incorrectly even after it has been polished Whether it's Google or ChatGPT, repeated translations of certain words translate differently

(⊙﹏⊙) Maybe in future version? Replace certain words with local database , right?

Yes, if you have the time to implement this, then your software might become the first choice of all renpy translators.

Do you have paypal, or USDT? I'll give you a bounty of some amount.

1666059026 commented 3 months ago

I notice you are improving the software by adding a compiler mode. Is it possible to also add a local terminology database mode? As you should be aware, it's frustrating when the same word continues to be translated incorrectly even after it has been polished Whether it's Google or ChatGPT, repeated translations of certain words translate differently

(⊙﹏⊙) Maybe in future version? Replace certain words with local database , right?

我发现了一个新问题,我在使用编译器模式的时候发现了一个新的BUG, FT(X7G_UJU03Y$_J6L(LLE9 对于这种,,有着语音配音的匹配行是不对的。


1666059026 commented 3 months ago

anonymousException commented 3 months ago


anonymousException commented 3 months ago

I notice you are improving the software by adding a compiler mode. Is it possible to also add a local terminology database mode? As you should be aware, it's frustrating when the same word continues to be translated incorrectly even after it has been polished Whether it's Google or ChatGPT, repeated translations of certain words translate differently

(⊙﹏⊙) Maybe in future version? Replace certain words with local database , right?

我发现了一个新问题,我在使用编译器模式的时候发现了一个新的BUG, FT(X7G_UJU03Y$_J6L(LLE9 对于这种,,有着语音配音的匹配行是不对的。


已兼容在 latest

anonymousException commented 3 months ago


这个会在后面版本加上的,和本地词库一起 最近比较忙,没那么快

1666059026 commented 3 months ago


这个会在后面版本加上的,和本地词库一起 最近比较忙,没那么快


anonymousException commented 3 months ago


这个会在后面版本加上的,和本地词库一起 最近比较忙,没那么快


已支持导入和编辑 xlsx 本地词库在:latest

xlsx 文件可以用 Excel 打开:


1666059026 commented 3 months ago


这个会在后面版本加上的,和本地词库一起 最近比较忙,没那么快


已支持导入和编辑 xlsx 本地词库在:latest

local_glossary.mp4 xlsx 文件可以用 Excel 打开:



1666059026 commented 3 months ago


这个会在后面版本加上的,和本地词库一起 最近比较忙,没那么快


已支持导入和编辑 xlsx 本地词库在:latest

local_glossary.mp4 xlsx 文件可以用 Excel 打开:



anonymousException commented 3 months ago


这个会在后面版本加上的,和本地词库一起 最近比较忙,没那么快


已支持导入和编辑 xlsx 本地词库在:latest local_glossary.mp4 xlsx 文件可以用 Excel 打开: imported_local_glossary


多选行即可,Ctrl + A 可以全选,或者按住 Ctrl 多选

1666059026 commented 3 months ago


这个会在后面版本加上的,和本地词库一起 最近比较忙,没那么快


已支持导入和编辑 xlsx 本地词库在:latest local_glossary.mp4 xlsx 文件可以用 Excel 打开: imported_local_glossary


多选行即可,Ctrl + A 可以全选,或者按住 Ctrl 多选


anonymousException commented 3 months ago

我这里测试是正常的,你直接 Ctrl + A 全选试试?

anonymousException commented 3 months ago

1666059026 commented 3 months ago

抱歉,我又琢磨了一下,我发现不能鼠标有点击,我习惯了ctrl+C 实际上是点击自动复制,不需要+C的多余操作,感谢,

你的paypal邮箱多少?我可以给你打赏 10刀,当然微信收款码也可以

anonymousException commented 3 months ago

抱歉,我又琢磨了一下,我发现不能鼠标有点击,我习惯了ctrl+C 实际上是点击自动复制,不需要+C的多余操作,感谢,

你的paypal邮箱多少?我可以给你打赏 10刀,当然微信收款码也可以

你的认可是对我最大的鼓励,暂时没有收取打赏的想法,也不指望这个 v1.8.8 又重新发布了一版 (有点太急于发布了(~ ̄(OO) ̄)ブ,恢复了原本正常的大小,优化了表格的导入) ,如果你用的是安装器的版本,建议先卸载旧版再安装

anonymousException commented 3 months ago

如果没有其它问题的话,请关闭 issue o((>ω< ))o

1666059026 commented 3 months ago

如果没有其它问题的话,请关闭 issue o((>ω< ))o



anonymousException commented 3 months ago

如果没有其它问题的话,请关闭 issue o((>ω< ))o



虽然这个用 EXCEL 就可以处理,处理过后再导进来就可以解决 (对表格的处理还是推荐用第三方如 EXCEL 等专门的工具) 但是重复项提示也不算复杂,我之后就加上吧

anonymousException commented 3 months ago

重复项筛选已支持,同时支持了更多语言在 latest image


1666059026 commented 3 months ago


1666059026 commented 3 months ago

重复项筛选已支持,同时支持了更多语言在 latest image


image 能加入一个,记忆库一键提取功能吗?这一个个的手动复制,粘贴,差点手抽筋,


anonymousException commented 3 months ago

重复项筛选已支持,同时支持了更多语言在 latest image image

image 能加入一个,记忆库一键提取功能吗?这一个个的手动复制,粘贴,差点手抽筋,


把 Original 和 Current 导出为 Excel 是吧

anonymousException commented 3 months ago

重复项筛选已支持,同时支持了更多语言在 latest image image

image 能加入一个,记忆库一键提取功能吗?这一个个的手动复制,粘贴,差点手抽筋,



anonymousException commented 3 months ago


1666059026 commented 3 months ago


是的,但是不太完美,我指的是,可以选择这些.RPY文件夹,毕竟我有很多游戏SDK生成的.rpy文件 大于200个,比如说加入一个,翻译完成度 大于95的文件自动抽取,而不再需要一个的点开,毕竟二百多个,在找那些需要提取,也好累啊 image

1666059026 commented 3 months ago


anonymousException commented 3 months ago


是的,但是不太完美,我指的是,可以选择这些.RPY文件夹,毕竟我有很多游戏SDK生成的.rpy文件 大于200个,比如说加入一个,翻译完成度 大于95的文件自动抽取,而不再需要一个的点开,毕竟二百多个,在找那些需要提取,也好累啊 image

文件夹功能么,这个会比较慢 QAQ

anonymousException commented 3 months ago

汇报一下进度,把文件夹里的都提取出 EXCEL 已经做好了,但要过滤翻译百分比和单位等条件的话需要新建一个窗口来展示和要求输入条件,然后现在还要支持 11 种语言 ... 所以会比较慢,恰逢周末比较忙,没那么快更新

1666059026 commented 3 months ago

汇报一下进度,把文件夹里的都提取出 EXCEL 已经做好了,但要过滤翻译百分比和单位等条件的话需要新建一个窗口来展示和要求输入条件,然后现在还要支持 11 种语言 ... 所以会比较慢,恰逢周末比较忙,没那么快更新


anonymousException commented 3 months ago

汇报一下进度,把文件夹里的都提取出 EXCEL 已经做好了,但要过滤翻译百分比和单位等条件的话需要新建一个窗口来展示和要求输入条件,然后现在还要支持 11 种语言 ... 所以会比较慢,恰逢周末比较忙,没那么快更新


功能没什么难度,主要是 UI 麻烦 ,我不喜欢搞前端

1666059026 commented 3 months ago


anonymousException commented 3 months ago


Godot ... 无论什么游戏引擎,翻译的前提都是拿到待翻译的文本 对于打包好的游戏,想要拿待翻译文本则需要解包 Godot 解包可以用 然后在解包出的脚本里可以找到待翻译的文本: image 剩下的没研究,毕竟 Godot 的翻译目前没太涉猎

1666059026 commented 3 months ago


anonymousException commented 3 months ago

latest 已支持文件夹批量提取 EXCEL

1666059026 commented 3 months ago

latest 已支持文件夹批量提取 EXCEL

本地记忆库 达到 3W行,就完全无法读取,运行了,加载了20分钟,仍然是无反应,并且,无法直接复制excel表格中,已翻译完成的内容,到当前,或者已翻译行中

anonymousException commented 3 months ago

latest 已支持文件夹批量提取 EXCEL

本地记忆库 达到 3W行,就完全无法读取,运行了,加载了20分钟,仍然是无反应,并且,无法直接复制excel表格中,已翻译完成的内容,到当前,或者已翻译行中

测试了导出文件夹,超过 3W 行也能正常导出,但是导入好像确实有问题会卡住 image

anonymousException commented 3 months ago

已修复在 v1.9.3

anonymousException commented 3 months ago

为了更流畅,新增行和新建文件以及过滤重复项的操作移除了,建议交给 EXCEL 等专业软件来完成,只提供载入和简单的修改