anonymousException / renpy-translator

A translator for renpy based on google | youdao | deepl | open-ai | offline-ai tranlation supports extract untranslated words and translate
MIT License
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. Bug #4

Closed jusaozzz closed 4 months ago

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago

Hey unlimited folders with the same name. No, he doesn't work. I think it should be a bug

2024-02-18 3:27:12 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 287, in extract File "", line 395, in ExtractAllFilesInDir File "", line 267, in CreateEmptyFileIfNotExsit File "", line 418, in _walk File "", line 418, in _walk File "", line 418, in _walk [Previous line repeated 989 more times] File "", line 412, in _walk File "", line 90, in join File "", line 143, in splitdrive RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object


anonymousException commented 4 months ago

Can you offer the folder path which causes the error?

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago


jusaozzz commented 4 months ago

The extraction is all 0kb and has the same name infinitely.

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago

Before loading the script. FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] \MILFLAB-patreon0.35-pc\MagicalFamilyLaboratory-pc\game/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC/RC'

anonymousException commented 4 months ago

Are you using the latest version v1.4.5? I do not meet the problem with double same folder name. And do you input the correct folder ? the folder you should input is \MILFLAB-patreon0.35-pc\MagicalFamilyLaboratory-pc\game\tl\XXXX not \MILFLAB-patreon0.35-pc\MagicalFamilyLaboratory-pc\game Maybe I need to download the game you mentioned : MagicalFamilyLaboratory ?

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago

D'accord, je vais vous donner le résultat.

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago

J'ai téléchargé cette dernière version correctement et cela montre qu'elle peut être résolue normalement. Mais pourquoi ne peut-il pas être extrait.Le fichier en RC? Pourquoi dois-je être le fichier tl par défaut pour l'extraire?

anonymousException commented 4 months ago

The files under RC folder is already extracted , you can found the extracted files under tl/RC/RC Actually you can find correspondence between two folders : MILFLAB-patreon0.35-pc\MagicalFamilyLaboratory-pc\game and MILFLAB-patreon0.35-pc\MagicalFamilyLaboratory-pc\game\tl\XXXX The reason why you have to input the tl folder is that ren'py engine uses tl folder to make translation do effect So extraction result is generated to tl folder

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago

Merci pour votre réponse. Ou existe-t-il un moyen d'extraire des fichiers non tl? Merci.

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago

Y a-t-il un moyen d'éviter cette situation? Je pense que si vous pouviez arrêter de maintenir le projet plus tard. Personne ne continuera à l'entretenir. Alors comment éviter ce genre de situation

anonymousException commented 4 months ago

The extract result should always be generated to tl folder But mult-files extraction is also supported , you can extract files like this :

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago

Okay, I see. You mean tl needs 1 name and then extracts it to tl?

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago

Very well, he successfully solved it. As I mentioned, how to avoid this situation Main py if this project is not maintained by anyone.

anonymousException commented 4 months ago

Okay, I see. You mean tl needs 1 name and then extracts it to tl?

Yes , tl is needed when extraction

anonymousException commented 4 months ago

Very well, he successfully solved it. As I mentioned, how to avoid this situation Main py if this project is not maintained by anyone.

No need to worried about nobody maintained , I will maintain this project until it keeps stable enough I'm still improving the document and the tool to decrease problems and help others to use the tool easily

anonymousException commented 4 months ago

If there remains no other problem. Please close the issue. Thanks to your issue , I improve the document with the new usage video : extract file(s) , you can found it on

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago
