anonymousException / renpy-translator

A translator for renpy based on google | youdao | deepl | open-ai | offline-ai tranlation supports extract untranslated words and translate
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I hope to extract more.Instead of repeated extraction. #6

Closed jusaozzz closed 4 months ago

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago

I hope to extract more.Instead of repeated extraction.

Instead of repeated extraction. How to do it

anonymousException commented 4 months ago

Just extract again , the extracted contents will not be extracted again Actually the function already exists for a long term

anonymousException commented 4 months ago

Repeated extraction would not happend in current version , For example , if the translation message already exists in tl folder like :

old "Hello"
new "Translated Hello"

Then "Hello" will not be extracted again

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago


anonymousException commented 4 months ago


Actually in early version it has been supported , of course the version 1.5.7 is supported

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago

okay What new features are coming later? With regard to extraction.

jusaozzz commented 4 months ago

More comprehensive extraction.

anonymousException commented 4 months ago

okay What new features are coming later? With regard to extraction.

actually the extraction is stable enough to use since v1.4.4

Later update is to fix some small bugs and support more translation engine like openai

anonymousException commented 4 months ago

More comprehensive extraction.

The current extraction is comprehensive enough to use , most of string can be extracted What do you wish to improve about the extraction function , I do not mind to listen more suggestions

anonymousException commented 4 months ago

Thank you very much I will update the issue to the document , I forget to explain the feature that extraction will auto skip the extracted contents , do not worry about repeat extraction