anotherRedbeard / ActionsFundamentals

Repo for the GitHub Actions Fundamentals training.
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❓ What is your experience with GitHub? #1

Open github-actions[bot] opened 5 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

What is your experience with GitHub? Whats is your experience with other CI/CD tools? Comment below 👇

anotherRedbeard commented 4 months ago

@anotherRedbeard new to Container 🎸

DerekDavenportSJCRH commented 4 months ago

I'm here @anotherRedbeard! 👋🏻

anthonywoodard commented 4 months ago

@anotherRedbeard - I use GitHub repos and containers. I use CI/CD in Azure DevOps.

jmoe24 commented 4 months ago

Use git in GitHub for all source code. Also use git for backup of personal knowledge mgmt. Have used GitHub actions for multiple pipelines, mainly for a documentation-as-code site. @jmoe24

austinMLB commented 4 months ago


krandymeacham commented 4 months ago

@krandymeacham - little experience with container deployment. Main experience with git based practices were through DevOps and general code management through GitHub.

jasonwiles commented 4 months ago

@jasonwiles little experience with Github and gihub actions

eblaine01 commented 4 months ago

novice user with GitHub.

caesarkrit commented 4 months ago

@anotherRedbeard Github for code version control. Github actions for testing automated pipelines.

mspauldi commented 4 months ago

@mspauldi Newbie here - I've used Github very little on small personal projects - only the basics.

I have experience in DevOps and TFS mostly.

caprizone6 commented 4 months ago

@caprizone6 I am using GitHub very actively for all the projects. Half of them are using GitHub actions, but at basic level. For example to build backend or frontend applications. Haven't used it extensively.

syd-shelby commented 4 months ago


Tylman-M commented 4 months ago

@Tylman-M - I use GitHub for pretty much everything I do, but I've never been trained on it. Just got into container deployment as a part of my current position, but still green on that.

Never used anything beyond the basic CLI tools for GitHub.

jay-knight commented 4 months ago

We run many (but not all) of our test suites in github workflows. Also a little experience with simple deployment to github pages.

mwilkins-sj commented 4 months ago

GitHub is CompBio & my team's primary software version control/respository. I've only scratched the surface of using it for CI. Basic Docker/Docker compose. I would like my team to make more extensive use of GitHub Actions and Containers.📚

sj-jmcmurry commented 4 months ago

I've used GitHub and GitHub actions for work and personal projects, along with local Git where appropriate. I've used containers a few times for small things. Other CI/CD tools I've used include Jenkins and BitBucket.

ghost commented 4 months ago

@sbramhac some experience with GitHub. Mostly used as version control among friends when doing group assignments.

hnureni commented 4 months ago

@hnureni using github for SCM

pibypaul commented 4 months ago

my team is using it extensively

PepeRulo commented 4 months ago

@PepeRulo GH is my preferred platform to host source code. I've used the DevOps tools (mainly CI/CD) but I'm interested in features specific to releasing containers, if any 🐙

ralsallaq commented 4 months ago

I use git/github. Exposed to github actions and some experience with Ansible.

smalone commented 4 months ago

Mostly for pull code, used other git repositories for storing and working on code. @smalone

dan-alford commented 4 months ago

Development and administration experience

AdamIsAtWork commented 4 months ago

I have some experience in GitHub and Docker for pipelines

j-feathers commented 4 months ago

My team uses Bitbucket. I've used GitHub in a previous role, but primarily just for version control.