anoushkrit / open-setups

step-by-step guides to installing various softwares which don't have an easy way to get installed
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ssh-keygen passwordless setup #2

Open anoushkrit opened 7 months ago

anoushkrit commented 7 months ago

Setting up ssh-key and then copying and pasting it to the remote server.

On VS Code, edit the .ssh config file

Host <myhost>
  HostName <myhost>
  User <remoteuser>
  Port 22
  PreferredAuthentications publickey
  IdentityFile "/Users/<localuser>/.ssh/keys/<myhost>_rsa"
anoushkrit commented 7 months ago
Host <myhost>
  HostName <myhost>
  User <remoteuser>
  Port 22
  PreferredAuthentications publickey
  IdentityFile "<path_to_your_private_key>"

ssh-keygen -q -b 4096 -P "" -f <path_to_your_private_key> -t rsa

anoushkrit commented 7 months ago

ssh-copy-id -i "<>" <host_name>@<host_ip>

anoushkrit commented 7 months ago

chmod 600 <path_to_private_key> chmod 644 <path_to_public_key>

anoushkrit commented 7 months ago

ssh <remoteuser>@<myhost> should run smoothly and without password