anoved / OctoPrint-EmailNotifier

Receive email notifications when OctoPrint jobs are complete. Currently broken. Please fork and fix!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Can not send email to from your own domain #38

Open Maxinoha opened 7 years ago

Maxinoha commented 7 years ago


I'm trying Email Notifier on Raspbery Pi Zero W and I have encountered a problem with its settings. I use Gmail where I have my own registered domain

When I try to send a test email directly from Raspberry from Python >>> yagmail.SMTP('').send('', 'subject', 'This is the body') So the email is successfully delivered, but it is not possible to send the test email from the web interface.

In web interface set: server: username:

Sending ends with "Sending failed. Reason::

