anqixu / ueye_cam

A ROS nodelet and node that wraps the driver API for UEye cameras by IDS Imaging Development Systems GMBH.
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multiple cameras #126

Closed aristow1 closed 1 year ago

aristow1 commented 1 year ago

im trying to work with 4 IDS camera but im first testing with only 2. in the launch file i added a 2 second node and changed the camera_name param and the camera_id param. here is my launch file :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <node name="check_ueye_api" pkg="ueye_cam" type="check_ueye_api" required="true" />
  <arg name="nodelet_manager_name" default="nodelet_manager" />
  <arg name="camera_name" default="" />

  <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="$(arg nodelet_manager_name)" args="manager" output="screen" />

  <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="ueye_cam_nodelet"
        args="load ueye_cam/ueye_cam_nodelet $(arg nodelet_manager_name)">
    <param name="camera_name" type="str" value="camera1" /> <!-- == namespace for topics and services -->
    <param name="camera_topic" type="str" value="image_raw" />
    <param name="camera_id" type="int" value="1" /> <!-- 0 = any camera; 1+: camera ID -->
    <param name="camera_intrinsics_file" type="string" value="file:$(find ueye_cam)/camera.yaml" /> <!-- default: ~/.ros/camera_info/<camera_name>.yaml -->
    <param name="camera_parameters_file" type="string" value="file:$(find ueye_cam)/camera.ini" /> <!-- default: ~/.ros/camera_conf/<camera_name>.ini -->
    <param name="ext_trigger_mode" type="bool" value="False" /> <!-- if False, then camera will operate in free-run mode; otherwise, frames need to be triggered by hardware signal (falling-edge) on digital input pin of camera -->

    <!-- the following are optional camera configuration parameters:
         they will be loaded on the camera after the .ini configuration
         file, and before dynamic_reconfigure. That means that any
         (lingering) dynamic parameters from dynamic_reconfigure will
         override these values, and that these will override parameters
         from the .ini file.
         See for more details. -->

    <param name="color_mode" type="str" value="rgb8" /> <!-- valid options: 'rgb8', 'mono8', 'bayer_rggb8' -->

    <!-- WARNING: the following 4 parameters specify dimensions for camera's area of interest. Values for image_width and image_height that are smaller than your camera's maximum values will result in cropped field of view. For typical cases, one should modify values for sensor_scaling / binning / subsampling to downsample the resulting ROS image to the desired dimensions, without losing potential field of view. -->
    <param name="image_width" type="int" value="1600" />
    <param name="image_height" type="int" value="1200" />
    <param name="image_top" type="int" value="-1" /> <!-- -1: center -->
    <param name="image_left" type="int" value="-1" /> <!-- -1: center -->

    <param name="subsampling" type="int" value="1" /> <!-- supported by only some UEye cameras -->
    <param name="binning" type="int" value="1" /> <!-- supported by only some UEye cameras -->
    <param name="sensor_scaling" type="double" value="1.0" /> <!-- supported by only some UEye cameras -->

    <param name="auto_gain" type="bool" value="True" />
    <param name="master_gain" type="int" value="0" />
    <param name="red_gain" type="int" value="0" />
    <param name="green_gain" type="int" value="1" />
    <param name="blue_gain" type="int" value="16" />
    <param name="gain_boost" type="bool" value="False" />

    <param name="auto_exposure" type="bool" value="True" />
    <param name="exposure" type="int" value="33" /> <!-- in ms -->

    <param name="auto_white_balance" type="bool" value="True" />
    <param name="white_balance_red_offset" type="int" value="0" />
    <param name="white_balance_blue_offset" type="int" value="0" />

    <param name="flash_delay" type="int" value="0" /> <!-- in us -->
    <param name="flash_duration" type="int" value="1000" /> <!-- in us -->

    <param name="auto_frame_rate" type="bool" value="False" />
    <param name="frame_rate" type="double" value="30.0" />
    <param name="output_rate" type="double" value="0.0" /> <!-- >0: throttle rate for publishing frames -->
    <param name="pixel_clock" type="int" value="25" />

    <param name="flip_upd" type="bool" value="False" />
    <param name="flip_lr"  type="bool" value="False" />

                                        <!-- CAMERA 2 -->

  <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="ueye_cam_nodelet2"
        args="load ueye_cam/ueye_cam_nodelet $(arg nodelet_manager_name)">
    <param name="camera_name" type="str" value="camera2" /> <!-- == namespace for topics and services -->
    <param name="camera_topic" type="str" value="image_raw" />
    <param name="camera_id" type="int" value="5" /> <!-- 0 = any camera; 1+: camera ID -->
    <param name="camera_intrinsics_file" type="string" value="file:$(find ueye_cam)/camera.yaml" /> <!-- default: ~/.ros/camera_info/<camera_name>.yaml -->
    <param name="camera_parameters_file" type="string" value="file:$(find ueye_cam)/camera.ini" /> <!-- default: ~/.ros/camera_conf/<camera_name>.ini -->
    <param name="ext_trigger_mode" type="bool" value="False" /> <!-- if False, then camera will operate in free-run mode; otherwise, frames need to be triggered by hardware signal (falling-edge) on digital input pin of camera -->

    <!-- the following are optional camera configuration parameters:
         they will be loaded on the camera after the .ini configuration
         file, and before dynamic_reconfigure. That means that any
         (lingering) dynamic parameters from dynamic_reconfigure will
         override these values, and that these will override parameters
         from the .ini file.
         See for more details. -->

    <param name="color_mode" type="str" value="rgb8" /> <!-- valid options: 'rgb8', 'mono8', 'bayer_rggb8' -->

    <!-- WARNING: the following 4 parameters specify dimensions for camera's area of interest. Values for image_width and image_height that are smaller than your camera's maximum values will result in cropped field of view. For typical cases, one should modify values for sensor_scaling / binning / subsampling to downsample the resulting ROS image to the desired dimensions, without losing potential field of view. -->
    <param name="image_width" type="int" value="1600" />
    <param name="image_height" type="int" value="1200" />
    <param name="image_top" type="int" value="-1" /> <!-- -1: center -->
    <param name="image_left" type="int" value="-1" /> <!-- -1: center -->

    <param name="subsampling" type="int" value="1" /> <!-- supported by only some UEye cameras -->
    <param name="binning" type="int" value="1" /> <!-- supported by only some UEye cameras -->
    <param name="sensor_scaling" type="double" value="1.0" /> <!-- supported by only some UEye cameras -->

    <param name="auto_gain" type="bool" value="True" />
    <param name="master_gain" type="int" value="0" />
    <param name="red_gain" type="int" value="0" />
    <param name="green_gain" type="int" value="1" />
    <param name="blue_gain" type="int" value="16" />
    <param name="gain_boost" type="bool" value="False" />

    <param name="auto_exposure" type="bool" value="True" />
    <param name="exposure" type="int" value="33" /> <!-- in ms -->

    <param name="auto_white_balance" type="bool" value="True" />
    <param name="white_balance_red_offset" type="int" value="0" />
    <param name="white_balance_blue_offset" type="int" value="0" />

    <param name="flash_delay" type="int" value="0" /> <!-- in us -->
    <param name="flash_duration" type="int" value="1000" /> <!-- in us -->

    <param name="auto_frame_rate" type="bool" value="False" />
    <param name="frame_rate" type="double" value="30.0" />
    <param name="output_rate" type="double" value="0.0" /> <!-- >0: throttle rate for publishing frames -->
    <param name="pixel_clock" type="int" value="25" />

    <param name="flip_upd" type="bool" value="False" />
    <param name="flip_lr"  type="bool" value="False" />


and in the the terminal i get this when i roslaunch the rgb8.launch file :

[ INFO] [1668175192.168043450]: Initializing nodelet with 16 worker threads.
[ WARN] [1668175193.629248790]: Could not load [camera]'s sensor parameters file file:/home/kamag/simulation_ws/src/ueye_cam/camera.ini (IS_FILE_WRITE_OPEN_ERROR)
[ INFO] [1668175194.684726567]: UEye camera [camera] initialized on topic /camera/image_raw
Width:          1600
Height:         1200
Left Pos.:      -1
Top Pos.:       -1
Color Mode:     rgb8
Subsampling:        1
Binning:        1
Sensor Scaling:     1
Auto Gain:      1
Master Gain:        0
Red Gain:       0
Green Gain:     1
Blue Gain:      16
Gain Boost:     0
Software Gamma:     100
Auto Exposure:      1
Auto Exposure Reference:    128
Exposure (ms):      33
Auto White Balance: 1
WB Red Offset:      0
WB Blue Offset:     0
Flash Delay (us):   0
Flash Duration (us):    1000
Ext Trigger Mode:   0
Auto Frame Rate:    0
Frame Rate (Hz):    11.9325
Output Rate (Hz):   0
Pixel Clock (MHz):  25
GPIO1 Mode: 0
GPIO2 Mode: 0
Mirror Image Upside Down:   0
Mirror Image Left Right:    0

[ERROR] [1668175194.708981055]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/image_raw/compressedDepth/set_parameters]
[ERROR] [1668175194.713109108]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/image_raw/compressed/set_parameters]
[ERROR] [1668175194.716858114]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/image_raw/theora/set_parameters]
[ERROR] [1668175194.721680041]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/set_camera_info]

why is it showing /camera/image_raw although i changed the namespace to camera1 and camera2 and how can i fix this Problem. Thank you.

nullket commented 1 year ago

Hello @aristow1 pleas format code/logs etc. with the standard markdown functions for that. This makes it much easier for other to read your post and be able to help you (I edited your post already for you).

aristow1 commented 1 year ago

thank you this helped me ! and then i just can add as much cameras as i want to the launch file with their respective names and ID right ?

nullket commented 1 year ago

Yes, you need to set the name and ID.

please close the issue if it is resolved