anqixu / ueye_cam

A ROS nodelet and node that wraps the driver API for UEye cameras by IDS Imaging Development Systems GMBH.
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Problem with launching rgb8.launch for IDS mono camera #72

Open aroongta opened 5 years ago

aroongta commented 5 years ago

Hello, I have been trying to use ueye_cam for calibrating my IDS monocamera, but every time I try to launch the rgb8.launch file, I get this error. image

Please look into it and help me with the issue. The IDS drivers are installed and camera is connected and detected using Ethernet. Thank you

anqixu commented 5 years ago

two common issues that I've seen that cause this symptom are:

  1. the ueye_cam ROS package was not compiled (e.g. via catkin_make or catkin build)
  2. the devel/setup.bash for your catkin workspace was not sourced

To solve problem 1, make sure to compile the package. For detailed instructions you can check out the ROS tutorials on how to setup and build a catkin_ws. To verify that you had compiled the package, go to <path_to_catkin_ws>/devel/libs and look for ueye_cam folder, and within it there should be a (symlink) file.

To solve problem 2, make sure you either source <path_to_catkin_ws>/devel/setup.bash in your terminal before roslaunch ..., or add the source ... line to your ~/.bashrc and sourceing that/relogging into your Ubuntu account. To verify, try roscd ueye_cam, and it should change to the proper directory.

If neither solves your problem, please post all log files for your roslaunch instance (e.g. all file inside /home/<user>/.ros/log/<alphanumeric_log_id>/).

aroongta commented 5 years ago

Hi @anqixu , Thank you so much for the quick response. I compiled the ueye_cam package according to the instructions on the ueye_cam wiki. The /devel/libs contains a ueye_cam folder but only a file check_ueye_api but does not contain the (symlink) file. Should I purge and recompile the package. Also is following the instructions on the git page a better way or simply through sudo apt-get install ros--ueye-cam.

anqixu commented 5 years ago

Sounds like you have compiled properly. Did you verify failure point 2 that I pointed out, speciifcally sourceing your setup.bash?

The version of ueye_cam on apt is slightly outdated compared to the github version, but generally both should work just fine. I am aware that currently, at least on 18.04+ROS Melodic, there is an issue with check_ueye_api crashing. If that's your error, uncomment the corresponding <node>... line in your .launch file.

aroongta commented 5 years ago

I verified the the failure point 2 too. I am able to change to the proper directory using roscd ueye_cam. Though I did not find the (symlink) file in the required directory as I mentioned above. I am using Ubuntu 16.04 with Ros kinetic.

vinayvak commented 5 years ago

Hi @anqixu , I have the same error. I found the file missing in the said path. I followed the build instructions as given on the ros page. Please let know if there could be any other cause of this issue. Thanks

srinidhi-prasad commented 4 years ago

Hi! @anqixu , I too checked my /devel/libs path and noticed that is missing. I can also confirm that I have compiled and sourced the package as is necessary.

My problem however, is that I cannot visualize an Image topic in Rviz. It simply says "No Image Received". Are these problems related?


I was trying to visualize the /image_raw stream under 'Camera'. But what did work was trying to visualize the same under 'Image'

snakehaihai commented 4 years ago

rgb8.launch i have no problem in launching in 4.92. But I got new problem with top 10 lines or so image is taken from the bottom of the image. Any idea where goes wrong for the image data pointer?