ansani / Shareaza

Shareaza is a peer-to-peer client for Windows that allows you to download any file-type found on several popular P2P networks.
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It should be possible to include the directories when exporting a list of shared files #90

Open abolibibelot1980 opened 1 year ago

abolibibelot1980 commented 1 year ago

It should be possible to include the directories, as they are displayed in a user browsing tab, when exporting that user's list of shared files. To keep track of what I downloaded from whom, I create plain text lists for almost every user I browse (which I then use to automatically sort files with a few custom scripts I wrote). This is made unnecessarily tedious when said list is organized in a complex hierarchy with many subfolders, since it is not possible to copy folders' names. So I'm left with either typing them by hand, or retrieving them in the BrowseHosts.dat file loaded in WinHex, and tediously editing that mess.

Early on when I started using Shareaza regularly, I found out that it was possible to define a custom template when exporting lists of links, and “Folder Path” ([Path]) was among the available items, but this doesn't work in user browsing tabs (even with [Path] only the links get copied or exported), it only works if I want to copy links from my own library (in which case it is of little use).

So it should be possible to have either each link preceded by the complete (virtual) path of the folder containing the corresponding file, for instance for a plain ED2K link : Downloads\Music\Led Zeppelin\Physical Grafitti\CD1 * ed2k://|file|06%20-%20Kashmir.mp3|[size]|[hash]|/ Or the list of links corresponding to the contents of each folder below the folder's path — either the complete path or only the name of the folder with as many tabulations as its depth in the hierarchy, so for instance, either :


[list of links for files in "Downloads"]


[list of links for files in "Music"]

Downloads\Music\Led Zeppelin

[list of links for files in "Led Zeppelin"]

Downloads\Music\Led Zeppelin\Physical Grafitti

[list of links for files in "Physical Grafitti"]

Downloads\Music\Led Zeppelin\Physical Grafitti\CD1

[list of links for files in "CD1"]

or :


[list of links for files in "Downloads"]


[list of links for files in "Music"]

        \Led Zeppelin

[list of links for files in "Led Zeppelin"]

            \Physical Grafitti

[list of links for files in "Physical Graffiti"]


[list of links for files in "CD1"]

All three formats could be made available (the first one would be more suitable when copying a list of links, the other two would be more suitable when exporting a complete list).