anseki / vscode-color

Helper with GUI to generate color codes such as CSS color notations.
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Create my own Palette based on a workspace? #93

Closed reinhardjung closed 4 years ago

reinhardjung commented 4 years ago


I hope this is the right place to ask a Question? :-( Can i somehow create my own Palette, maybe based on my/a workspace?

Thanx a lot for any Feedback

anseki commented 4 years ago

Hi @reinhardjung, thank you for the comment. The extension supports custom color palettes. See document:

reinhardjung commented 4 years ago

coool! Great Ext. fast Support - i love it :-)

But is do . not really understand how to use it: On my Mac i got: "colorHelper.storeDir": "/Users/MYUSERNAME/Local Sites/colorPalette", Should it not be there some File etc, where i can add my Palette/Colors?

anseki commented 4 years ago

Of course you can change the colorHelper.storeDir.

reinhardjung commented 4 years ago

ok, but all i got for now is: "colorHelper.storeDir": "/Users/MYUSERNAME/Local Sites/colorPalette", What else do i need? How can i access my Custom Palette? (I can't choose it from the selectbox?)

anseki commented 4 years ago

Sorry, my English is poor. Do you mean that you want to know how to create custom color palettes?

reinhardjung commented 4 years ago

Yes please and how to use it. Now i just got this: "colorHelper.storeDir": "/Users/MYUSERNAME/Local Sites/colorPalette",

anseki commented 4 years ago

Of course I can tell that. Before that, did you read this? :

reinhardjung commented 4 years ago

Yes, sure but i still do not get it :-(

anseki commented 4 years ago

Do you mean that you have read the document (file name:, title: "Color Palette for VS Code Color Picker extension")? Please tell me which point that you couldn't understand in the document.

reinhardjung commented 4 years ago

I can't see my Palette: /Users/reinhardjung/Local Sites/colorPalette/cloudmeister.palette.json Bildschirmfoto 2019-12-31 um 05 33 10

reinhardjung commented 4 years ago

argh. Some Caching Errors ... fixed :-) Thanx a lot for helping me!!!!

anseki commented 4 years ago

Sorry, do you mean that the issue was solved? If so, could you close this issue?