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Support for '*' along with gherkin keywords #1052

Open AutomateItEasyWay opened 6 years ago

AutomateItEasyWay commented 6 years ago


Extent report is not able to recognize steps in a Cucumber feature files that are marked with as a general keyword instead of usual Given/When/Then. I am getting a ClassNotFoundException with first line stack trace being java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.aventstack.extentreports.gherkin.model. suggesting '*' is not recognized as a keyword.

Expected Behavior

'*' should be treated as any other keyword of gherkin.

Current Behavior

ClassNotFoundException is thrown when '*' keyword is encountered.


Below is a sample feature file written using gherkin keywords followed by use of '*' to achieve same results.

Feature: LogIn Action Test Description: This feature will test a LogIn functionality

Scenario: Successful Login with Valid Credentials Given User is on Home Page When User Navigate to LogIn Page And User enters UserName and Password Then Message displayed Login Successfully

Using * Keyword

Feature: LogIn Action Test Description: This feature will test a LogIn functionality

Scenario: Successful Login with Valid Credentials ' ' User is on Home Page ' ' User Navigate to LogIn Page ' ' User enters UserName and Password ' ' Message displayed Login Successfully

Note: The automation project that I am currently working on has thousands of feature files that are written using '*' over a span of around 5-6 years. So it is not feasible to change to gherkin keywords at this point of time.

Environment Details

While troubleshooting on the issue I found a thread where someone pointed out it used to work in earlier versions of extent report so tried rolling back to version 3.0.3 but issue persists.

anshooarora commented 6 years ago

Can you attach a sample feature file with this keyword?

AutomateItEasyWay commented 6 years ago

Added a feature file.