ansible-aix / ansible-power-aix

Developer contributions for Ansible Automation on Power
GNU General Public License v3.0
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CI: run full suite of ansible-test sanity #35

Closed robinvy closed 4 years ago

robinvy commented 4 years ago

Try running the full suite of ansible-test sanity against our modules to ensure there are no issue for the Galaxy delivery

robinvy commented 4 years ago

Found and fixed text formatting issue with pylint:

All module must include the following lines between header and METEDATA for the ansible-test sanity future-import-boilerplate and metaclass-boilerplate checkings to pass:

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type

fixed lvg as not part of PR#9 (dev-collection)

robinvy commented 4 years ago

Adapted travis.yml and devops/bin/ to run the full sanity test suite automatically.