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Ansible Collection for Amazon AWS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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s3_object: NoSuchTagSet when s3 endpoint does not support tags #1607

Closed dbarboza closed 11 months ago

dbarboza commented 1 year ago


As of Amazon AWS collection v6, the s3_object module fails with NoSuchTagSet when putting an object to an S3 endpoint that does not support object tagging. If I revert to 5.5.0, the same task works without error. Both 6.0.x and 6.1 exhibit the error. The reproduction task below works if I remove the Wasabi endpoint and run against AWS.

Issue Type

Bug Report

Component Name


Ansible Version

ansible [core 2.15.0]
  config file = None
  configured module search path = ['/Users/dbarboza/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /Users/dbarboza/Library/Python/3.11/lib/python/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.11.3 (main, Apr  7 2023, 19:25:52) [Clang 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)] (/usr/local/opt/python@3.11/bin/python3.11)
  jinja version = 3.1.2
  libyaml = True

Collection Versions

# /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections
Collection                    Version
----------------------------- -------                    6.1.0
ansible.eda                   1.3.8
ansible.netcommon             5.1.1
ansible.posix                 1.5.4
ansible.utils                 2.10.3               1.14.0
arista.eos                    6.0.1
community.crypto              2.13.1
community.docker              3.4.6
community.general             7.0.1
community.grafana             1.5.4
dellemc.openmanage            7.6.1
kubernetes.core               2.4.0

# /Users/dbarboza/Library/Python/3.11/lib/python/site-packages/ansible_collections
Collection                    Version
----------------------------- -------                    6.0.1
ansible.netcommon             5.1.1
ansible.posix                 1.5.4
ansible.utils                 2.10.3               1.14.0
arista.eos                    6.0.1
awx.awx                       22.2.0
azure.azcollection            1.15.0
check_point.mgmt              5.0.0
chocolatey.chocolatey         1.4.0
cisco.aci                     2.6.0
cisco.asa                     4.0.0
cisco.dnac                    6.7.2
cisco.intersight              1.0.27
cisco.ios                     4.5.0
cisco.iosxr                   5.0.2
cisco.ise                     2.5.12
cisco.meraki                  2.15.1
cisco.mso                     2.4.0
cisco.nso                     1.0.3
cisco.nxos                    4.3.0
cisco.ucs                     1.8.0
cloud.common                  2.1.3           2.2.4                 6.0.0               2.0.0
community.ciscosmb            1.0.5
community.crypto              2.13.1
community.digitalocean        1.23.0
community.dns                 2.5.4
community.docker              3.4.6
community.fortios             1.0.0
community.general             7.0.1              1.0.0
community.grafana             1.5.4
community.hashi_vault         5.0.0
community.hrobot              1.8.0
community.libvirt             1.2.0
community.mongodb             1.5.2
community.mysql               3.7.1             5.0.0
community.okd                 2.3.0
community.postgresql          2.4.1
community.proxysql            1.5.1
community.rabbitmq            1.2.3
community.routeros            2.8.0                 1.0.0
community.sap_libs            1.4.1
community.skydive             1.0.0
community.sops                1.6.1
community.vmware              3.6.0             1.13.0

AWS SDK versions

Name: boto
Version: 2.49.0
Summary: Amazon Web Services Library
Author: Mitch Garnaat
License: MIT
Location: /Users/dbarboza/Library/Python/3.11/lib/python/site-packages
Name: boto3
Version: 1.26.149
Summary: The AWS SDK for Python
Author: Amazon Web Services
License: Apache License 2.0
Location: /Users/dbarboza/Library/Python/3.11/lib/python/site-packages
Requires: botocore, jmespath, s3transfer
Name: botocore
Version: 1.29.149
Summary: Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3.
Author: Amazon Web Services
License: Apache License 2.0
Location: /Users/dbarboza/Library/Python/3.11/lib/python/site-packages
Requires: jmespath, python-dateutil, urllib3
Required-by: boto3, s3transfer


PAGER(env: PAGER) = less

OS / Environment

MacOS Ventura 13.4

Steps to Reproduce

AWS_PROFILE=wasabi ansible localhost -m -a "mode=put endpoint_url= bucket=bucket1 src=/tmp/foo object=foo " -vvv

Note that I changed the profile & bucket names for privacy.

Expected Results

I expected the object to be uploaded to the bucket.

Actual Results

AWS_PROFILE=wasabi ansible localhost -m -a "mode=put endpoint_url= bucket=bucket1 src=/tmp/foo object=foo " -vvv
ansible [core 2.15.0]
  config file = None
  configured module search path = ['/Users/dbarboza/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /Users/dbarboza/Library/Python/3.11/lib/python/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.11.3 (main, Apr  7 2023, 19:25:52) [Clang 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)] (/usr/local/opt/python@3.11/bin/python3.11)
  jinja version = 3.1.2
  libyaml = True
No config file found; using defaults
host_list declined parsing /etc/ansible/hosts as it did not pass its verify_file() method
Skipping due to inventory source not existing or not being readable by the current user
script declined parsing /etc/ansible/hosts as it did not pass its verify_file() method
auto declined parsing /etc/ansible/hosts as it did not pass its verify_file() method
Skipping due to inventory source not existing or not being readable by the current user
yaml declined parsing /etc/ansible/hosts as it did not pass its verify_file() method
Skipping due to inventory source not existing or not being readable by the current user
ini declined parsing /etc/ansible/hosts as it did not pass its verify_file() method
Skipping due to inventory source not existing or not being readable by the current user
toml declined parsing /etc/ansible/hosts as it did not pass its verify_file() method
[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
Skipping callback 'default', as we already have a stdout callback.
Skipping callback 'minimal', as we already have a stdout callback.
Skipping callback 'oneline', as we already have a stdout callback.
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'echo ~dbarboza && sleep 0'
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c '( umask 77 && mkdir -p "` echo /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/tmp `"&& mkdir "` echo /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1686243622.235886-25080-67772042048170 `" && echo ansible-tmp-1686243622.235886-25080-67772042048170="` echo /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1686243622.235886-25080-67772042048170 `" ) && sleep 0'
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'test -e /tmp/foo && sleep 0'
Using module file /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/amazon/aws/plugins/modules/
<> PUT /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-250430uz258vj/tmpky7sks1f TO /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1686243622.235886-25080-67772042048170/
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'chmod u+x /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1686243622.235886-25080-67772042048170/ /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1686243622.235886-25080-67772042048170/ && sleep 0'
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c '/usr/local/opt/python@3.11/bin/python3.11 /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1686243622.235886-25080-67772042048170/ && sleep 0'
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'rm -f -r /Users/dbarboza/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1686243622.235886-25080-67772042048170/ > /dev/null 2>&1 && sleep 0'
The full traceback is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/folders/rl/2llc0bfj09v32zs7dlr9n0hr0000gn/T/", line 1026, in ensure_tags
  File "/var/folders/rl/2llc0bfj09v32zs7dlr9n0hr0000gn/T/", line 974, in get_current_object_tags_dict
  File "/var/folders/rl/2llc0bfj09v32zs7dlr9n0hr0000gn/T/", line 105, in deciding_wrapper
    return retrying_wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/var/folders/rl/2llc0bfj09v32zs7dlr9n0hr0000gn/T/", line 119, in _retry_wrapper
    return _retry_func(
  File "/var/folders/rl/2llc0bfj09v32zs7dlr9n0hr0000gn/T/", line 68, in _retry_func
    return func()
  File "/Users/dbarboza/Library/Python/3.11/lib/python/site-packages/botocore/", line 530, in _api_call
    return self._make_api_call(operation_name, kwargs)
  File "/Users/dbarboza/Library/Python/3.11/lib/python/site-packages/botocore/", line 964, in _make_api_call
    raise error_class(parsed_response, operation_name)
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (NoSuchTagSet) when calling the GetObjectTagging operation: The TagSet does not exist

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/folders/rl/2llc0bfj09v32zs7dlr9n0hr0000gn/T/", line 1540, in main
  File "/var/folders/rl/2llc0bfj09v32zs7dlr9n0hr0000gn/T/", line 1188, in s3_object_do_put
  File "/var/folders/rl/2llc0bfj09v32zs7dlr9n0hr0000gn/T/", line 1032, in ensure_tags
S3ObjectFailure: Failed to get object tags.
localhost | FAILED! => {
    "boto3_version": "1.26.149",
    "botocore_version": "1.29.149",
    "changed": false,
    "error": {
        "code": "NoSuchTagSet",
        "message": "The TagSet does not exist"
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "access_key": null,
            "aws_ca_bundle": null,
            "aws_config": null,
            "bucket": "bucket1",
            "ceph": false,
            "content": null,
            "content_base64": null,
            "copy_src": null,
            "debug_botocore_endpoint_logs": false,
            "dest": null,
            "dualstack": false,
            "encrypt": true,
            "encryption_kms_key_id": null,
            "encryption_mode": "AES256",
            "endpoint_url": "",
            "expiry": 600,
            "headers": null,
            "ignore_nonexistent_bucket": false,
            "marker": "",
            "max_keys": 1000,
            "metadata": null,
            "mode": "put",
            "object": "foo",
            "overwrite": "different",
            "permission": [
            "prefix": "",
            "profile": "wasabi",
            "purge_tags": true,
            "region": null,
            "retries": 0,
            "secret_key": null,
            "session_token": null,
            "sig_v4": true,
            "src": "/tmp/foo",
            "tags": null,
            "validate_bucket_name": true,
            "validate_certs": true,
            "version": null
    "msg": "Failed to get object tags.: An error occurred (NoSuchTagSet) when calling the GetObjectTagging operation: The TagSet does not exist",
    "response_metadata": {
        "host_id": "ULVVsAhNyIYClSGUxricoaonhDPqHecfHckAwQ2fAWsWHyEqz7css1vdbEPUXIriCSY+O6vsP4av",
        "http_headers": {
            "content-type": "application/xml",
            "date": "Thu, 08 Jun 2023 17:00:23 GMT",
            "server": "WasabiS3/7.14.291-2023-05-15-3fb36ca10e (head12)",
            "transfer-encoding": "chunked",
            "x-amz-id-2": "ULVVsAhNyIYClSGUxricoaonhDPqHecfHckAwQ2fAWsWHyEqz7css1vdbEPUXIriCSY+O6vsP4av",
            "x-amz-request-id": "8E8620150D440987"
        "http_status_code": 404,
        "request_id": "8E8620150D440987",
        "retry_attempts": 0

Code of Conduct

ansibullbot commented 1 year ago

Files identified in the description:

If these files are inaccurate, please update the component name section of the description or use the !component bot command.

click here for bot help

ansibullbot commented 1 year ago

cc @alinabuzachis @jillr @lwade @s-hertel @tremble click here for bot help