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Ansible Collection for Amazon AWS
GNU General Public License v3.0
277 stars 321 forks source link does not support deletion_protection argument #2142

Open stefanhorning opened 5 days ago

stefanhorning commented 5 days ago


Unlike the other ELB modules the elb_classic_lb module does not support the deletion_protection argument. This is somewhat inconsistent as this is a flag supported by all ELB types on AWS. So it would be nice to add it to the Ansible module too. So one could add this line to all elb modules: deletion_protection: true

Thank you for your consideration.

Issue Type

Feature Idea

Component Name

Additional Information

- name: Example ELB task
    name: 'my-classic-elb'
    scheme: internal
    security_group_ids: vpc-abc123
    listeners: [...]
    deletion_protection: true
    state: present

Code of Conduct

stefanhorning commented 5 days ago

Ok, rechecking the AWS Console, it might be that deletion protection might not be available on those ELBs on AWS side. was just confused by the Boto3 docs which make it appear like this is possible for all ELB types.