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JSON output for `ansible-playbook --list-tags` #485

Closed sebhoss closed 1 week ago

sebhoss commented 1 year ago

Using ansible.posix.json should work for ansible-playbook --list-tags as well in order to write the output of that call in JSON format to stdout.




I'd like to have JSON output in order to build some scripting around ansible-playbook --list-tags.

pyhedgehog commented 11 months ago

Don't you just convert YAML to JSON?

ansible -i localhost, -c local all -o -m debug -a var=out -e 'out={{(lookup("file","site.yml")|from_yaml|first).tasks|map(attribute="name")|to_json}}'|sed -ne 's/^localhost[^{]*{/{/p'|jq '.out|fromjson'
sebhoss commented 11 months ago

Yeah kinda but I need Ansible to provide me with all the tags of all tasks found in all referenced roles as well instead of just parsing a single YAML file. Your snippet is basically just doing yq '...' site.yml but that does not consider the task YAML files of the various roles. ansible-playbook --list-tags shows all these tasks with their tags.

As an example my site.yml looks like this:

- hosts: control_plane
    - { role: control-plane, tags: [control-plane] }

ansible-playbook --list-tags provides me with this:

playbook: site.yml

  play #1 (control_plane): control_plane    TAGS: []
      TASK TAGS: [lots, of, tags, are, listed, here, control-plane, and, even, more, after, the, break]

Your snippet gives me

    "hosts": "control_plane",
    "roles": [
        "role": "control-plane",
        "tags": [

I want all the tags in the JSON structure as well.

sebhoss commented 11 months ago

Oh I just realised that I wrote --list-tasks in the initial description but meant to write --list-tags - sorry for the confusion!

bcoca commented 1 week ago

the --list-X are hardcoded in core, the callbacks do not have the ability to change this output.

This is a feature in my wish list to change it to callback handled output, in any case this should be a feature request in

I was working on this as part of, but this is not planned and on the back-burner for now.

Akasurde commented 1 week ago

Closing as per the above comment.