ansible-collections / community.docker

Community Docker Collection for Ansible: modules and plugins for working with Docker
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Failure to pull with docker_compose_v2 despite authenticating previously #851

Open milongo opened 2 months ago

milongo commented 2 months ago

Pulling from private registry doesn't work after doing docker login


community.docker.docker_login and community.docker.docker_compose_v2 / community.docker.docker_compose_v2_pull module

ansible [core 2.16.6]
  config file = /Users/milongo/LocalDocs/horoma/devops-iac-automation/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/Users/milongo/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /Users/milongo/miniconda3/envs/devops-iac/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /Users/milongo/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /Users/milongo/miniconda3/envs/devops-iac/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.10.14 (main, Mar 21 2024, 11:21:31) [Clang 14.0.6 ] (/Users/milongo/miniconda3/envs/devops-iac/bin/python3.10)
  jinja version = 3.1.3
  libyaml = True
# /Users/milongo/miniconda3/envs/devops-iac/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible_collections
Collection        Version
----------------- -------
community.general 8.6.0 
CONFIG_FILE() = /Users/milongo/LocalDocs/horoma/devops-iac-automation/ansible.cfg
EDITOR(env: EDITOR) = nano
PAGER(env: PAGER) = less
- name: Run docker pipeline
  hosts: "{{ target }}"
    registry_url: "{{ ecr_registry_url }}"
    - name: Get ansible user data
        name: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        state: present
      register: user_details

    - name: Docker login to AWS ECR
        state: present
        username: "AWS" # change this depending on private repository
        password: "{{ ecr_login_password }}"
        registry_url: "{{ registry_url }}"
      changed_when: true

    - name: Docker compose repo
        project_src: "{{ user_details.home }}/{{ path_to_repos }}/repo"
        state: "present"

After logging in, successfully being able to pull my images in private repository.


Failure to authenticate

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"actions": [{"id": "my-image", "status": "Pulling", "what": "service"}], "changed": false, "cmd": "/snap/bin/docker compose --ansi never --progress plain --project-directory /home/ubuntu/docker/my-image up --detach --no-color --quiet-pull --", "containers": [], "images": [], "msg": "Error when processing my-image: Error response from daemon: Head \"[\](": no basic auth credentials", "rc": 18, "stderr": " my-image Pulling \n my-image Error \nError response from daemon: Head \"[\](": no basic auth credentials\n", "stderr_lines": [" my-image Pulling ", " my-image Error ", "Error response from daemon: Head \"[\](": no basic auth credentials"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
felixfontein commented 2 months ago

The docker_compose_v2(_pull) module doesn't do anything else than running docker compose. If that isn't able to pull from the registry, then it's a problem with your docker setup or the way you log in to the registry.

You're using the docker_login module to authenticate. That module verifies that the credentials are correct by using the /auth endpoint of the Docker daemon, and stores the credentials in the credential store (which that is depends on your Docker config file).

Now docker_compose_v2(_pull) can only use the credentials if it has access to the same credential store that docker_login stored them in. You are running Docker CLI from a Snap. My guess is that your Docker CLI setup does not use the same credentials store than docker_login (which uses code from Docker SDK for Python for accessing the credentials store).

milongo commented 2 months ago

Thank you for the answer! I'm not modifying the CLI setup as far as I know. How do I get the docker CLI setup to use the same credentials store than docker_login?

felixfontein commented 2 months ago

Usually they do use the same context, unless you changed something. Are you maybe using Docker contexts? (I.e. does docker context ls show something else than default?)

milongo commented 2 months ago


docker context ls
NAME        DESCRIPTION                               DOCKER ENDPOINT               ERROR
default *   Current DOCKER_HOST based configuration   unix:///var/run/docker.sock
felixfontein commented 2 months ago

In that case, no idea. I cannot replicate this with a regular registry.

milongo commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the help. Any idea what I can try to progress? are you able to authenticate to a private registry the same way I am doing it?

felixfontein commented 2 months ago

If you run docker login with ansible.builtin.command, does a subsequent community.docker.docker_compose_v2 then work?

are you able to authenticate to a private registry the same way I am doing it?

Yes, it works for me.

BTW, I noticed that in the error message you posted:

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"actions": [{"id": "my-image", "status": "Pulling", "what": "service"}], "changed": false, "cmd": "/snap/bin/docker compose --ansi never --progress plain --project-directory /home/ubuntu/docker/my-image up --detach --no-color --quiet-pull --", "containers": [], "images": [], "msg": "Error when processing my-image: Error response from daemon: Head \"\": no basic auth credentials", "rc": 18, "stderr": " my-image Pulling \n my-image Error \nError response from daemon: Head \"\": no basic auth credentials\n", "stderr_lines": [" my-image Pulling ", " my-image Error ", "Error response from daemon: Head \"\": no basic auth credentials"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

there is a backslash \ (%5C in the quoted URL) at the end of the URL, which looks like to be part of the tag. Could it be that you have a problem somewhere else, like a backslash showing up in the image's tag that shouldn't be there?