Open killua-eu opened 2 years ago
Files identified in the description:
If these files are incorrect, please update the component name
section of the description or use the !component
bot command.
Hi @killua-eu,
i don't understand what you asking for.
Thanks Frank
!component =plugins/connection/
Files identified in the description:
If these files are incorrect, please update the component name
section of the description or use the !component
bot command.
Hey all,
While moving away from shell based ansible runs towards AWX scheduling and other goodies, I got hit by the
lxc command not found in PATH
error. I noticed that AWX doesn't come with the 'lxc' binary. Now this isn't easily resolvable since AWX is installed via a kubernetes operator, loads of ansible and basically installing lxc into AWX can be only done by forking the AWX docker images and installing lxc when building the images.This proves quite a pain, because the default way to get the lxc binary is to use a snap package. Nesting ubuntu's snap into a container that is centos-9 based is a pain - both technically (privileged containers, etc.) as well as philosophically (lots of bloat for the sake of a binary).
Is there a way how using the LXD connector could be fixed here? Thanks lots, Pavel
Issue Type
Bug Report
Component Name
lxc connection plugin
Ansible Version
Community.general Version
OS / Environment
Ansible Tower / AWX
Steps to Reproduce
Use the plugin to connect to hosts via lxd in AWX/Tower.
Expected Results
I'd expect to be able to use the connection plugin everywhere.
Actual Results
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