ansible-collections / community.general

Ansible Community General Collection
GNU General Public License v3.0
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1password lookup for Private Keys has incorrect key format #7417

Open brad-charboneau opened 10 months ago

brad-charboneau commented 10 months ago


``issue is not with 1password-cli as the cli is able to return the correct value. Only Ansible returns an incorrect value.

Ansible returns the incorrectly formatted SSH Private Key from One Password Vault

Issue Type

Bug Report

Component Name


Ansible Version

$ ansible --version
ansible [core 2.15.2]
  config file = /mnt/ansible/proxmox/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /root/.local/pipx/venvs/ansible/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /root/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /root/.local/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.11.2 (main, Mar 13 2023, 12:18:29) [GCC 12.2.0] (/root/.local/pipx/venvs/ansible/bin/python)
  jinja version = 3.1.2
  libyaml = True

Community.general Version

$ ansible-galaxy collection list community.general
Collection        Version
----------------- -------
community.general 7.5.0  


$ ansible-config dump --only-changed
CONFIG_FILE() = /mnt/ansible/proxmox/ansible.cfg
HOST_KEY_CHECKING(/mnt/ansible/proxmox/ansible.cfg) = False
INVENTORY_ENABLED(/mnt/ansible/proxmox/ansible.cfg) = ['community.general.proxmox']

OS / Environment

Debian 12

Steps to Reproduce

- name: Test SSH Key
  hosts: localhost
    - name: getSecretKey
          - "Ansible Private Key: {{ lookup('community.general.onepassword', 'op_item', username='op_username', subdomain='my', master_password='op_password', vault='SSH Keys', field='private key') }}"

In my use case I use ssh-ed25519 SSH Keys

Expected Results

it should return the correct SSH Private Key Contents. stating with -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- and end with -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- and be the valid ed25519 Key

example output from op item get --vault "op_vault" op_item --reveal
(changed many pieces in the output to prevent releasing a real private key)

  private key:

Actual Results

ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": [
        "Ansible Private Key: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\r\nMFMCAQEwBQYDK2VwBCIEIBypyf49wp8pQ9S5j9I9pc+aJlABCDEFGcvTEc1MWk0\r\noSMDIQ1234567FXtDA8CzteO1nbLbyQDEWRdpyJtTGDyBp9mzw==\r\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n",

Code of Conduct

ansibullbot commented 10 months ago

Files identified in the description:

If these files are incorrect, please update the component name section of the description or use the !component bot command.

click here for bot help

ansibullbot commented 10 months ago

cc @azenk @samdoran click here for bot help

brad-charboneau commented 10 months ago

i can provide more context. after testing with onepassword_raw lookup i found that the private key stored in the value field is what is wrong. however the key stored in private_key[ssh_formats][openssh][value] under the private_key field is the correct value. is there a way i can call this field?

here is the example from onepassword_raw for the private_key field

            'id': 'private_key', 
            'type': 'SSHKEY', 
            'label': 'private key', 
            'value': '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\r\\nMFMCAQEwBQYDK2VwBCIEIBypyf49wp8pQ9S5j9I9pc+aJlABCDEFGcvTEc1MWk0\r\noSMDIQ1234567FXtDA8CzteO1nbLbyQDEWRdpyJtTGDyBp9mzw==\\r\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\\r\\n', 
            'reference': 'op://SSH Keys/Ansible/private key', 
            'ssh_formats': {
                'openssh': {
                    'reference': 'op://SSH Keys/Ansible/private key?ssh-format=openssh', 
felixfontein commented 10 months ago

@brad-charboneau I hope that you used a test private SSH key here, or modified it before pasting it here, as otherwise now the whole world knows your private SSH key.

(Edit: I now noticed you mentioned that you adjusted it, so I guess it should be ok.)

brad-charboneau commented 10 months ago

@felixfontein yes, all SSH Keys have been Altered before posting

samdoran commented 10 months ago

onepassword_raw returns a dictionary, so you would access fields using Python dictionary syntax. This is a bit fragile, though.

"{{ lookup('onepassword_raw', 'op_item')['fields'][2]['ssh_formats']['openssh']['value'] }}"

But I don't think the lookup plugin is the issue. It is returning the data stored in the specified field correctly.

It seems like maybe the problem is the format of the key file stored in 1Password. I generated a new ED25519 key and stored it in 1Password. It has the same value in both fields.

Note: This is a test SSH private key used for demonstration purposes only.

OP get item ``` > op item get y2j5ak2k7m2kp6gf47zatft4aq --format json { "id": "y2j5ak2k7m2kp6gf47zatft4aq", "title": "Test SSH Key", "version": 1, "vault": { "id": "stpebbaccrq72xulgouxsk4p7y", "name": "Personal" }, "category": "SSH_KEY", "last_edited_by": "LSGPJERUYBH7BFPHMZ2KKGL6AU", "created_at": "2023-10-24T14:43:43Z", "updated_at": "2023-10-24T14:43:43Z", "additional_information": "SHA256:9LauV2SbRxcyfQfoikMpYLAldDG2WqxJZ2VM8e8j0Pw", "fields": [ { "id": "public_key", "type": "STRING", "label": "public key", "value": "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIH4lITPIj8pyhx8iipbtfalIlCns7lcvyFGIzmtsKC3r", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key/public key" }, { "id": "fingerprint", "type": "STRING", "label": "fingerprint", "value": "SHA256:9LauV2SbRxcyfQfoikMpYLAldDG2WqxJZ2VM8e8j0Pw", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key/fingerprint" }, { "id": "private_key", "type": "SSHKEY", "label": "private key", "value": "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\nb3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAAAMwAAAAtzc2gtZW\nQyNTUxOQAAACB+JSEzyI/KcocfIoqW7X2pSJQp7O5XL8hRiM5rbCgt6wAAAJibbQXjm20F\n4wAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUxOQAAACB+JSEzyI/KcocfIoqW7X2pSJQp7O5XL8hRiM5rbCgt6w\nAAAEC4N7mv8bv4kYMnoGBpdlKFDbivP0THqG4mE8nj94YbRn4lITPIj8pyhx8iipbtfalI\nlCns7lcvyFGIzmtsKC3rAAAAEXNkb3JhbkByaG1icC0yMDIxAQIDBA==\n-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key/private key", "ssh_formats": { "openssh": { "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key/private key?ssh-format=openssh", "value": "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\nb3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAAAMwAAAAtzc2gtZW\nQyNTUxOQAAACB+JSEzyI/KcocfIoqW7X2pSJQp7O5XL8hRiM5rbCgt6wAAAJibbQXjm20F\n4wAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUxOQAAACB+JSEzyI/KcocfIoqW7X2pSJQp7O5XL8hRiM5rbCgt6w\nAAAEC4N7mv8bv4kYMnoGBpdlKFDbivP0THqG4mE8nj94YbRn4lITPIj8pyhx8iipbtfalI\nlCns7lcvyFGIzmtsKC3rAAAAEXNkb3JhbkByaG1icC0yMDIxAQIDBA==\n-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n" } } }, { "id": "key_type", "type": "STRING", "label": "key type", "value": "ed25519", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key/key type" }, { "id": "notesPlain", "type": "STRING", "purpose": "NOTES", "label": "notesPlain", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key/notesPlain" } ] } ```
brad-charboneau commented 10 months ago

Again, One password cli returns it correctly. It is just the Ansible module that does not.

From: Sam Doran @.> Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 10:25 AM To: ansible-collections/community.general @.> Cc: Brad Charboneau @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [ansible-collections/community.general] 1password lookup for Private Keys has incorrect key format (Issue #7417)

onepassword_raw returns a dictionary, so you would access fields using Python dictionary syntax. This is a bit fragile, though.

"{{ lookup('onepassword_raw', 'op_item')['fields'][2]['ssh_formats']['openssh']['value'] }}"

This seems to work correctly for me using the onepassword lookup and specifying field, which is a much more reliable way to get the value. It seems like maybe the problem is the format of the key file stored in 1Password. I generated a new ED25519 key and stored it in 1Password. It has the same value in both fields.

Note: This is a test SSH private key used for demonstration purposes only.

OP get item

op item get y2j5ak2k7m2kp6gf47zatft4aq --format json { "id": "y2j5ak2k7m2kp6gf47zatft4aq", "title": "Test SSH Key", "version": 1, "vault": { "id": "stpebbaccrq72xulgouxsk4p7y", "name": "Personal" }, "category": "SSH_KEY", "last_edited_by": "LSGPJERUYBH7BFPHMZ2KKGL6AU", "created_at": "2023-10-24T14:43:43Z", "updated_at": "2023-10-24T14:43:43Z", "additional_information": "SHA256:9LauV2SbRxcyfQfoikMpYLAldDG2WqxJZ2VM8e8j0Pw", "fields": [ { "id": "public_key", "type": "STRING", "label": "public key", "value": "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIH4lITPIj8pyhx8iipbtfalIlCns7lcvyFGIzmtsKC3r", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key/public key" }, { "id": "fingerprint", "type": "STRING", "label": "fingerprint", "value": "SHA256:9LauV2SbRxcyfQfoikMpYLAldDG2WqxJZ2VM8e8j0Pw", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key/fingerprint" }, { "id": "private_key", "type": "SSHKEY", "label": "private key", "value": "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\nb3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAAAMwAAAAtzc2gtZW\nQyNTUxOQAAACB+JSEzyI/KcocfIoqW7X2pSJQp7O5XL8hRiM5rbCgt6wAAAJibbQXjm20F\n4wAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUxOQAAACB+JSEzyI/KcocfIoqW7X2pSJQp7O5XL8hRiM5rbCgt6w\nAAAEC4N7mv8bv4kYMnoGBpdlKFDbivP0THqG4mE8nj94YbRn4lITPIj8pyhx8iipbtfalI\nlCns7lcvyFGIzmtsKC3rAAAAEXNkb3JhbkByaG1icC0yMDIxAQIDBA==\n-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key/private key", "ssh_formats": { "openssh": { "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key/private key?ssh-format=openssh", "value": "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\nb3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAAAMwAAAAtzc2gtZW\nQyNTUxOQAAACB+JSEzyI/KcocfIoqW7X2pSJQp7O5XL8hRiM5rbCgt6wAAAJibbQXjm20F\n4wAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUxOQAAACB+JSEzyI/KcocfIoqW7X2pSJQp7O5XL8hRiM5rbCgt6w\nAAAEC4N7mv8bv4kYMnoGBpdlKFDbivP0THqG4mE8nj94YbRn4lITPIj8pyhx8iipbtfalI\nlCns7lcvyFGIzmtsKC3rAAAAEXNkb3JhbkByaG1icC0yMDIxAQIDBA==\n-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n" } } }, { "id": "key_type", "type": "STRING", "label": "key type", "value": "ed25519", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key/key type" }, { "id": "notesPlain", "type": "STRING", "purpose": "NOTES", "label": "notesPlain", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key/notesPlain" } ] }

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samdoran commented 10 months ago

Again, One password cli returns it correctly. It is just the Ansible module that does not.

I wonder if the op command is returning fields[2]['ssh_formats']['openssh']['value'] instead of fields[2]['value'] by default. I'll take a closer look at that.

samdoran commented 10 months ago

Yes, that's exactly what's happening here. I created a new key in 1Password rather than with ssh-keygen. This is what it looks like:

SSH Key Created in 1Password ``` { "id": "2hrpm4cufj7fkwugyv4lbk7vri", "title": "Test SSH Key 2", "version": 2, "vault": { "id": "stpebbaccrq72xulgouxsk4p7y", "name": "Personal" }, "category": "SSH_KEY", "last_edited_by": "LSGPJERUYBH7BFPHMZ2KKGL6AU", "created_at": "2023-10-25T18:33:00Z", "updated_at": "2023-10-25T18:34:33Z", "additional_information": "SHA256:2QkCbLCiQV2BWTuCcVB9/PuC08hsFTetzGPImrs9m2c", "fields": [ { "id": "public_key", "type": "STRING", "label": "public key", "value": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCvlXZg/k5BF/hI17hgB3Q0hcJkVPTKFWgqLMKagBG2TLsggUno8JFWhMxYIXV5DZBmjjI4ESmLzMnYKxjgYSCDwwRo6vkb3LeEKYCuhMx0PdcnO/uZ9BwP/gn7bMCBOWFIQAh4azT1QH8+aK9fck5e1Ds2eRkJp9sDMkp8OpZ5yt6C/CFBjY8L6tByaU1OGjbjGHTfsLDJ9HIdMzqax6T6VTvrw8oAZ9xAgxThEPYA/dT90CYLgh5U7o6SfSV1H1FMoxUa3y9NglfkDN6vBAD0iGqES+WZKPo0IXzSGvVi5UWFqTkpZgpESRhamK7PBmVWvioMOryILKdCoOQUCEub", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key 2/public key" }, { "id": "fingerprint", "type": "STRING", "label": "fingerprint", "value": "SHA256:2QkCbLCiQV2BWTuCcVB9/PuC08hsFTetzGPImrs9m2c", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key 2/fingerprint" }, { "id": "private_key", "type": "SSHKEY", "label": "private key", "value": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----------END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key 2/private key", "ssh_formats": { "openssh": { "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key 2/private key?ssh-format=openssh", "value": "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----------END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n" } } }, { "id": "key_type", "type": "STRING", "label": "key type", "value": "rsa", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key 2/key type" }, { "id": "notesPlain", "type": "STRING", "purpose": "NOTES", "label": "notesPlain", "reference": "op://Personal/Test SSH Key 2/notesPlain" } ] } ```
op item get ``` > op item get 2hrpm4cufj7fkwugyv4lbk7vri --reveal ID: 2hrpm4cufj7fkwugyv4lbk7vri Title: Test SSH Key 2 Vault: Personal (stpebbaccrq72xulgouxsk4p7y) Created: 10 minutes ago Updated: 8 minutes ago by Sam Doran Favorite: false Version: 2 Category: SSH_KEY Fields: public key: ssh-rsa fingerprint: SHA256:2QkCbLCiQV2BWTuCcVB9/PuC08hsFTetzGPImrs9m2c private key: -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- key type: rsa ```
samdoran commented 10 months ago

Looking through how the data is processed and the plugin interface, there is no way currently to request data from a dictionary in a field (ssh_formats in this case). Using onepassword_raw is the best way to get the correct value.

samdoran commented 10 months ago

We could special case ssh keys to get the openssh type, but that may cause problems if someone wants the PKCS8 formatted data instead of the OpenSSH private key formatted data.

diff --git plugins/lookup/ plugins/lookup/
index a36e6c94e..8b4afff40 100644
--- plugins/lookup/
+++ plugins/lookup/
@@ -453,6 +453,7 @@ class OnePassCLIv2(OnePassCLIBase):
         data = json.loads(data_json)
+        category = data.get("category")
         for field in data.get("fields", []):
             if section_title is None:
                 # If the field name exists in the section, return that value
@@ -461,11 +462,16 @@ class OnePassCLIv2(OnePassCLIBase):

                 # If the field name doesn't exist in the section, match on the value of "label"
                 # then "id" and return "value"
-                if field.get("label") == field_name:
-                    return field["value"]
-                if field.get("id") == field_name:
-                    return field["value"]
+                values_to_try = ("label", "id")
+                for value in values_to_try:
+                    if field.get(value) == field_name:
+                        if category == "SSH_KEY":
+                            try:
+                                return field["ssh_formats"]["openssh"]["value"]
+                            except KeyError:
+                                pass
+                        return field["value"]

             # Look at the section data and get an indentifier. The value of 'id' is either a unique ID
             # or a human-readable string. If a 'label' field exists, prefer that since
bcoca commented 10 months ago

or make it a new switch, that change might be surprising to those relying on the current behavior.

brad-charboneau commented 10 months ago

yeah such as pass it "open_ssh_key: true" to return open ssh key instead of normal value key

brad-charboneau commented 10 months ago

I just generated a new RSA 4096 Test Key and the Open SSH section is still there so it is not limited to ED25519 Keys.

seems like in this situation where Keys are generated by 1password, the RSA Key might be stored in Value, while the ED25519 Key is stored in ssh_formats['openssh']['value']

there is a possibility if we parse key type from the public key value, then we could chose the correct field programmatically:

"id": "public_key", "type": "STRING", "label": "public key", "value": "ssh-ed25519 public_key_string

"id": "public_key", "type": "STRING", "label": "public key", "value": "ssh-rsa public_key_string

value would either start with ssh-ed25519 or ssh-rsa if ed25519 then use openssh field, if rsa then use value filed what do you think?

samdoran commented 10 months ago

I would rather avoid a flag argument. There are lots of clever ways this could be done, but I'm sure they will break something for someone.

This seems like a very good use case for the onepassword_raw plugin, which allows parsing the full data when the regular lookup doesn't return what you need.

Another option would be to create a onepassword_ssh_key lookup plugin. That would be better than adding a flag argument even though it's more work.

brad-charboneau commented 10 months ago

to add a little more context of more oddities:

when I run op item get 'My Test Key' --vault='SSH KEYS' --fields=private_key --reveal it returns the open_ssh_key. it is only when it has to get it from json that it is incorrect. is this sounding more like a 1passwordcli bug instead of an ansible bug perhaps? for example when i run: op item get 'My Test Key' --vault='SSH KEYS' --fields=private_key --reveal --format=json the value field the ansible lookup returns is the top value instead of the nested value under open_ssh


op item get 'My Test Key' --vault='SSH KEYS' --fields=private_key --reveal


op item get 'My Test Key' --vault='SSH KEYS' --fields=private_key --reveal --format=json
  "id": "private_key",
  "type": "SSHKEY",
  "label": "private key",
  "value": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\r\nmy_key_data\r\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n",
  "reference": "op://SSH Keys/Ansible/private key",
  "ssh_formats": {
    "openssh": {
      "reference": "op://SSH Keys/Ansible/private key?ssh-format=openssh",
      "value": "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\r\nmy_key_data\r\n-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n"
samdoran commented 10 months ago

It's not a bug in 1Password. 1Password is storing generated keys in PEM formatted PKCS8 since that is the most flexible means of storing private key information. PKCS8 data can easily be converted to other formats such as OpenSSH.

brad-charboneau commented 10 months ago

but if the public key that corresponds to the generated key is expecting the ed25519 Openssh format, because the user opted for ed25519 in 1password, then the pem(pkcs8) key is not useful unless the user takes extra steps to convert.

samdoran commented 10 months ago

I agree the op CLI is doing the least surprising thing while the Ansible lookup plugin is being brutally accurate and unpleasantly surprising.

I don't know if this is a bug or a difference in behavior.

It seems the best fix would be to add a onepassword_ssh_key lookup since processing the data for SSH keys stored in 1Password requires different behavior than other item types.

brad-charboneau commented 10 months ago

I have submitted a ticket with 1password on this as well, just to get their take on it before going the route of new development in ansible. Will keep this thread up to date with how that goes.

samdoran commented 10 months ago

I'm fairly certain they will state that storing the key in PKCS8 format is intentional.

ansibullbot commented 9 months ago

Files identified in the description:

If these files are incorrect, please update the component name section of the description or use the !component bot command.

click here for bot help

brad-charboneau commented 9 months ago

I agree the op CLI is doing the least surprising thing while the Ansible lookup plugin is being brutally accurate and unpleasantly surprising.

I don't know if this is a bug or a difference in behavior.

It seems the best fix would be to add a onepassword_ssh_key lookup since processing the data for SSH keys stored in 1Password requires different behavior than other item types.

if someone does create a new module for ssh key lookup, might i suggest using these commands as the intended targets?

ED25519: op read "op://SSH Keys/Ansible/private key?ssh-format=openssh" PKCS8: op read "op://SSH Keys/Ansible/private key"

and Public Key: op read "op://SSH Keys/Ansible/public key"

you cannot pass anything other than openssh to the ssh-format query.