ansible-collections / community.general

Ansible Community General Collection
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Enable Logdna callback plugin to pass in custom log ingestion url #8297

Open kirkhw opened 2 months ago

kirkhw commented 2 months ago


With many Cloud Service Providers (CSP) offering a managed hosted version of Logdna on their platforms, it is necessary to send logs for aggregation and analysis against Logdna endpoints for that CSP's service endpoints.

The Ansbile 2.9 implementation of this callback does not expose a method to pass in a custom url (i.e. conf_url) to which the dependent Logdna Python Library does support as an inbound option (url). As a result the Logdna Python Library uses it's default config url at An example endpoint url is for an instance provisioned in the Toronto multizone region of this CSP. We believe the same applies to the latest implementation too.

By modifying the file python/3.8.19/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/, this can be easily achieved. Line 145 for example can be expanded to pass the url option from a new Ansible callback plugin variable conf_url (naming convention to match existing variables).

Before: self.options = {'hostname': self.conf_hostname, 'mac': self.mac, 'index_meta': True} After: self.conf_url = self.get_option('conf_url') self.options = {'hostname': self.conf_hostname, 'mac': self.mac, 'index_meta': True, 'url': self.conf_url}

We'd also appreciate guidance on how we could extend this plugin for the short term. These alterations worked in a local development workspace. Managing the manual edits on remote bare metal and virtual servers is something we haven't figured out yet.

Issue Type

Feature Idea

Component Name

logdna callback

Additional Information

log_path = ansible.log
callback_whitelist = logdna
callback_enabled = logdna

conf_tags = mycustomtag
conf_url =
conf_key = mykey
plugin_ignore_errors = no
    def set_options(self, task_keys=None, var_options=None, direct=None):
         super(CallbackModule, self).set_options(task_keys=task_keys, var_options=var_options, direct=direct)
         self.conf_url = self.get_option('conf_ur') <------ HERE
         if HAS_LOGDNA:
             self.log = logging.getLogger('logdna')
             self.options = {'hostname': self.conf_hostname, 'mac': self.mac, 'index_meta': True, 'url': self.conf_url}   <----- HERE
             self.log.addHandler(LogDNAHandler(self.conf_key, self.options))
             self.disabled = False

Code of Conduct

kirkhw commented 2 months ago

For an interim work around, can someone point out how we might deploy our own customization to this plugin?

felixfontein commented 2 months ago

!component =plugins/callback/

kirkhw commented 2 months ago

Another finding is self.conf_tags though being pulled in from [callback_logdna] var conf_tags is not being passed to the Logdna Python Library and as such unable to set the Logdna tagging desired.