ansible-collections / community.general

Ansible Community General Collection
GNU General Public License v3.0
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nmcli: changing routes on an interface does not lead to active routes on a host #8704

Open numericillustration opened 1 month ago

numericillustration commented 1 month ago


When I add additional routes to an existing interface using community.general.nmcli the routes are added to the connection profile but not made active on the machine.

I can see by running nmcli show connection <foo> | grep ipv4.routes: that the routes are updated in the connection configuration but not made active. If I run ip route show the routes from the nmcli profile are not in the system's routing table.

This seems to be due to

where the module only runs modify when the interface already exists. For a new interface the interface is brought up which makes the routes active.

I've worked around this by writing a handler I can call to run nmcli connection up <foo> when changes happen.

Issue Type

Bug Report

Component Name


Ansible Version

ansible [core 2.12.7]
  config file = /Users/michaelhicks/gits/joyent/spc-infra/ansible/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/Users/michaelhicks/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /Users/michaelhicks/py-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /Users/michaelhicks/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /Users/michaelhicks/py-venv/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.10.2 (v3.10.2:a58ebcc701, Jan 13 2022, 14:50:16) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)]
  jinja version = 3.1.2
  libyaml = True

Community.general Version

# /Users/michaelhicks/py-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible_collections
Collection        Version
----------------- -------
community.general 4.8.3

# /Users/michaelhicks/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections
Collection        Version
----------------- -------
community.general 5.4.0


$ DEFAULT_BECOME_METHOD(/Users/michaelhicks/gits/joyent/spc-infra/ansible/ansible.cfg) = sudo
DEFAULT_FORKS(/Users/michaelhicks/gits/joyent/spc-infra/ansible/ansible.cfg) = 20
DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER(/Users/michaelhicks/gits/joyent/spc-infra/ansible/ansible.cfg) = centos
DEFAULT_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE(/Users/michaelhicks/gits/joyent/spc-infra/ansible/ansible.cfg) = /Users/michaelhicks/gits/joyent/spc-infra/ansible/vault.txt
INTERPRETER_PYTHON(/Users/michaelhicks/gits/joyent/spc-infra/ansible/ansible.cfg) = auto_silent

OS / Environment

Rocky 9

Steps to Reproduce

- name: setup static routes for region_neptune things
    type: ethernet
    conn_name: "System {{item.interface }}"
    state: present
    routes4: "{{ item.routes | join(',') }}"
  loop: "{{ managed_routes.v4_routes | list }}"
  register: nmcli_routes
  notify: apply_routes
    - ansible_distribution == "Rocky"
    - managed_routes
    - managed_routes.v4_routes

the register and notify are so I can nmcli up the connection to make the routes active

- name: nmcli apply routes "nmcli connection up '{{ item }}'"
  loop: "{{ nmcli_routes.results | selectattr('changed', 'equalto', True) | map(attribute='conn_name') | list }}"
  when: ansible_distribution == "Rocky"
  listen: "apply_routes"

Expected Results

I expect ip route show to contain the routes that are also in nmcli connection show <foo> | grep 'ipv4.routes:'

Actual Results

routes are in the NetworkManager connection profile but not the system's routing table.

Code of Conduct

ansibullbot commented 1 month ago

Files identified in the description:

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ansibullbot commented 1 month ago

cc @alcamie101 click here for bot help