ansible-collections / community.rabbitmq

Manage RabbitMQ with Ansible
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CI: add 2.14 tests, create ignore-2.15 to prevent CI failure #139

Closed csmart closed 1 year ago

csmart commented 1 year ago

Fixes #137

Im0 commented 1 year ago

I tried to check why these failed but it appears that the old logs have been deleted. This was perhaps erroring due to #141 but unsure.

csmart commented 1 year ago

I'll re-test and see where Ubuntu fails with fresh logs...

Im0 commented 1 year ago

@csmart I read on another forum that perhaps ssl1.1 isn't available via apt on Ubuntu 22.04. It looks like this PR introduces 22.04? Looks like it maybe v3 now...

Edit: 20.04 looks like version 1.1.1 ..

csmart commented 1 year ago

Looks like it's failing when trying to talk to an IPv6 localhost? Maybe something changed with Docker 2.14 images..

04:32 TASK [rabbitmq_publish : RabbitMQ basic publish test] **************************
04:32 task path: /root/ansible_collections/community/rabbitmq/tests/output/.tmp/integration/rabbitmq_publish-_ir7cm5g-ÅÑŚÌβŁÈ/tests/integration/targets/rabbitmq_publish/tasks/ubuntu.yml:7
04:33 <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'echo ~root && sleep 0'
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/common/text/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/common/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/common/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/compat/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/compat/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/compat/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/compat/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/distro/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/distro/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/parsing/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/parsing/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible/module_utils/six/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible_collections/community/rabbitmq/plugins/module_utils/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible_collections/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible_collections/community/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible_collections/community/rabbitmq/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible_collections/community/rabbitmq/plugins/
04:33 Including module_utils file ansible_collections/community/rabbitmq/plugins/module_utils/
04:33 Using module file /root/ansible_collections/community/rabbitmq/plugins/modules/
04:33 <localhost> PUT /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-904rvsc4c7b/tmpy5_q7wrd TO /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1666223930.149605-1025-51122755624198/
04:33 <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'chmod u+x /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1666223930.149605-1025-51122755624198/ /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1666223930.149605-1025-51122755624198/ && sleep 0'
04:33 <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/python3.11 /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1666223930.149605-1025-51122755624198/ && sleep 0'
04:33 <localhost> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'rm -f -r /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1666223930.149605-1025-51122755624198/ > /dev/null 2>&1 && sleep 0'
04:33 The full traceback is:
04:33   File "/tmp/ansible_rabbitmq_publish_payload_bw8tknjo/", line 141, in connect_to_rabbitmq
04:33     self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
04:33                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
04:33   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/pika/adapters/", line 377, in __init__
04:33     self._process_io_for_connection_setup()
04:33   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/pika/adapters/", line 416, in _process_io_for_connection_setup
04:33     self._flush_output(self._opened_result.is_ready,
04:33   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/pika/adapters/", line 471, in _flush_output
04:33     raise exceptions.ConnectionClosed(maybe_exception)
04:33 fatal: [testhost -> localhost]: FAILED! => {
04:33     "changed": false,
04:33     "invocation": {
04:33         "module_args": {
04:33             "auto_delete": false,
04:33             "body": "Hello world from ansible module rabbitmq_publish",
04:33             "cafile": null,
04:33             "certfile": null,
04:33             "content_type": "text/plain",
04:33             "durable": false,
04:33             "exchange": "",
04:33             "exclusive": false,
04:33             "headers": {},
04:33             "host": null,
04:33             "keyfile": null,
04:33             "password": null,
04:33             "port": null,
04:33             "proto": null,
04:33             "queue": "publish_test",
04:33             "routing_key": null,
04:33             "src": null,
04:33             "url": "amqp://guest:***@localhost:5672/%2F",
04:33             "username": null,
04:33             "vhost": null
04:33         }
04:33     },
04:33     "msg": "Connection issue: Connection to ::1:5672 failed: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address"
04:33 }
Im0 commented 1 year ago

@csmart does this help?

csmart commented 1 year ago

@csmart does this help? csmart#1 @Im0 thanks, let's see! :crossed_fingers:

Im0 commented 1 year ago

Pipeline taking ages today! Must be working it too hard. :)

Im0 commented 1 year ago

@csmart I'm so sorry, I was adding a PR via the github web interface on your forked repo and ci_2_15 branch... github gave me a 404 error. Then out of curiosity I tried the other option fully expecting it to fail, but, it allowed me to update your forked repo! Really sorry about that... it is probably because I'm on the maintainers list?

Edit: CI is now failing due to not being able to connect to in the lookup_rabbitmq plugin. I'm afraid to touch git right now but the tests/integration/targets/lookup_rabbitmq/tasks/ubuntu.yml file needs updating now to change to localhost or

csmart commented 1 year ago

@Im0 oh, no need to apologise! I don't think you did anything wrong ☺️ Definitely appreciate all the help we can get! I have been pretty smashed at work lately, I hope to find some free time to take a close look, maybe later tonight. Feel free to play with git and change whatever you think, you can just do a brand new PR so that you don't have to merge into mine, and if yours gets going then great, we can merge it.

My only concern I had before about the change that I introduced checking if connection failed, I'm not sure if that's a valid response to the request, or whether that might mask a problem where we can't talk to rabbitmq for another reason... I tried to run the tests locally to check, but I ran into other issues and they wouldn't run... And then I ran out of time...

So please feel free to try whatever you think and we'll go from there.

Thanks for the help!

Im0 commented 1 year ago
CI (Docker 2.14 Ubuntu 20.04)
  TASK [rabbitmq_publish : RabbitMQ basic publish test] **************************
  "msg": "Connection issue: Connection to ::1:5672 failed: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address"

CI (Docker 2.14 Ubuntu 22.04)
  TASK [rabbitmq_publish : RabbitMQ basic publish test]
  "msg": "Connection issue: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Callable'"

CI (Docker devel Ubuntu 20.04) 
  TASK [rabbitmq_publish : RabbitMQ basic publish test] **************************
  "msg": "Connection issue: Connection to ::1:5672 failed: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address"

CI (Docker devel Ubuntu 22.04) 
  TASK [rabbitmq_publish : RabbitMQ basic publish test] **************************
  "msg": "Connection issue: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Callable'"

I'll take a look at these today.

Im0 commented 1 year ago

Test 1: "Connection issue: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Callable'" cmd: python3.9 /usr/local/bin/ansible-test integration rabbitmq_publish --docker ubuntu2204 env: ansible 2.15 dev result: Connection issue: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Callable' Try # 1: install pip pika 1.3.0 Result # 1: Publish to random queue... the error changed to a new error. Use pika 1.3.0 going forward.

fatal: [testhost -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Queue declare issue: BlockingChannel.queue_declare() missing 1 required positional argument: 'queue'"}

Thought # 1: This is fixed already in the exchange patch (PR #140)

Try # 2: Copy rabbitmq_publish and module_utils/ from fix_138_publish_to_exchange for testing Result # 2: Worked! 3m6.702s. Suggest merge #140 and rebase csmart's PR.

Test 2: "Connection issue: Connection to ::1:5672 failed: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address" cmd: time python3.9 /usr/local/bin/ansible-test integration rabbitmq_publish --docker ubuntu2004 env: ansible 2.15 dev Result # 1:

TASK [rabbitmq_publish : RabbitMQ basic publish test] **************************
 fatal: [testhost -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Connection issue: "}
 Try # 2: time python3.9 /usr/local/bin/ansible-test integration rabbitmq_publish --docker ubuntu2004 -vvvvv
 Result # 2: "Connection issue: "
   The full traceback is:  File   "/tmp/ansible_rabbitmq_publish_payload_aqrtutqd/", line 143, in connect_to_rabbitmq
    self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/pika/adapters/", line 360, in __init__
    self._impl = self._create_connection(parameters, _impl_class)

Try # 3: python3.9 /usr/local/bin/ansible-test shell --docker ubuntu2004 env: inside the target container. ansible 2.15/python 2.9 Result # 3: Worked. Comment: Uncertain if this is going to work in AZP or not.

Test 3: "Connection issue: Connection to ::1:5672 failed: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address" cmd: time python3.9 /usr/local/bin/ansible-test integration rabbitmq_publish --docker ubuntu2004 env: ansible 2.13.5 Result # 1: Success. 3m5.064s. Fixed with #140 and or pika 1.3.0

Suggest merging PR #140 and rebasing csmart:ci_2_15

Im0 commented 1 year ago

@csmart hopefully will help with some of these CI failures. Or rebase with origin/main. Fingers crossed but I think there will still be one issue.

Im0 commented 1 year ago

Well, we got a CI success! But only one check. I can't see how our change would have dropped all other checks.

Im0 commented 1 year ago

@csmart Hi mate, I've disabled 20.04 from 2.14 and devel as @felixfontein (thanks heaps) suggested that the issue maybe that Ubuntu 20.04 uses python 3.8 but ansible-test requires 3.9+. Ansible-test therefore uses a controller and target container which is probably why we can't hit it with localhost in rabbitmq_publish.

I think we have good coverage with what we have and am happy with this PR as is. I'm happy to merge if you are.

However maybe we create an issue to try and fix 20.04 on 2.14/devel? I got some container information in another CI run which maybe useful:

"ansible_locally_reachable_ips": { 
"ipv4": [ 

I'm not sure if will be the controller or target... I'm assuming controller as otherwise we'd be able to connect to

felixfontein commented 1 year ago

The IP is only valid in this specific CI run, it might be different on every other one. You probably need to dynamically query the IP of the target container (some ansible facts should help for that) and use that.

Im0 commented 1 year ago

@felixfontein I got some ansible facts out here:

I don't understand if this was generated by the controller or target? I presume target? In which case we could use ansible_facts['ansible_eth0']['ipv4.address'] ?

felixfontein commented 1 year ago

@Im0 that should be for the target. The debug in line 3691 shows that ansible_default_ipv4.address is probably a good choice. I've just searched around and saw that the community.docker tests use advertise_addr: "{{ansible_default_ipv4.address | default('')}}" for the Docker Swarm tests, sometimes also just ansible_default_ipv4.address, so that seems to work.

Im0 commented 1 year ago

Brilliant, thanks! I'll try that.

csmart commented 1 year ago

Wow, this MR got complicated :smile: Thanks @Im0

Im0 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for starting this off @csmart ! I've created #145 to document the 20.04 issue.