ansible-collections / community.rabbitmq

Manage RabbitMQ with Ansible
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rabbitmq_user can't determine the version of RabbitMQ server #53

Open EugenFo opened 3 years ago

EugenFo commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to create rabbitmq users with the rabbitmq_user module, but this keeps failing with the error message: Could not determine the version of the RabbitMQ server. I'm using the Ansible version 2.10.3 and the Rabbitmq Cluster has the version 3.7.13 and Erlang version 21.3.



ansible 2.10.3
  config file = /home/eugen/.ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/home/eugen/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /home/eugen/virtualenvironments/ansible2.10/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible
  executable location = /home/eugen/virtualenvironments/ansible2.10/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.6.9 (default, Oct  8 2020, 12:12:24) [GCC 8.4.0]
Default configuration

Host: Mint 19.2 Target: Debian 9 (Docker container)


First install the Rabbitmq and Erlang version listed above. Try to create or delete users with the rabbitmq_user module. This will result in a Could not determine the version of the RabbitMQ server. error. However when you execute rabbitmqctl status on one node you will see the output which also contains the rabbitmq version.

rabbitmqctl status output:

          "Management extension for the Shovel plugin","3.7.13"},
      {rabbitmq_management,"RabbitMQ Management Console","3.7.13"},
      {rabbitmq_management_agent,"RabbitMQ Management Agent","3.7.13"},
      {rabbitmq_web_dispatch,"RabbitMQ Web Dispatcher","3.7.13"},
      {rabbitmq_shovel,"Data Shovel for RabbitMQ","3.7.13"},
      {sysmon_handler,"Rate-limiting system_monitor event handler","1.1.0"},
      {cowboy,"Small, fast, modern HTTP server.","2.6.1"},
      {amqp_client,"RabbitMQ AMQP Client","3.7.13"},
          "Modules shared by rabbitmq-server and rabbitmq-erlang-client",
      {ranch,"Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.","1.7.1"},
      {amqp10_client,"AMQP 1.0 client from the RabbitMQ Project","3.7.13"},
      {ssl,"Erlang/OTP SSL application","9.2"},
      {public_key,"Public key infrastructure","1.6.5"},
      {asn1,"The Erlang ASN1 compiler version 5.0.8","5.0.8"},
      {recon,"Diagnostic tools for production use","2.3.6"},
      {cowlib,"Support library for manipulating Web protocols.","2.7.0"},
      {jsx,"a streaming, evented json parsing toolkit","2.9.0"},
      {os_mon,"CPO  CXC 138 46","2.4.7"},
      {inets,"INETS  CXC 138 49","7.0.6"},
          "Modules shared by rabbitmq-amqp1.0 and rabbitmq-amqp1.0-client",
      {mnesia,"MNESIA  CXC 138 12","4.15.6"},
      {xmerl,"XML parser","1.3.19"},
      {lager,"Erlang logging framework","3.6.5"},
      {goldrush,"Erlang event stream processor","0.1.9"},
      {compiler,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","7.3.2"},
      {syntax_tools,"Syntax tools","2.1.7"},
      {sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","3.3"},
      {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","3.8"},
      {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","6.3"}]},
     "Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:128]\n"},

Users should be created or deleted.


See above.

EugenFo commented 3 years ago

As an addition: When running the same task with ansible version 2.7.10 everything works like it should.

walidsa3d commented 3 years ago

Same here

tlb1galaxy commented 3 years ago

Environment: OS = CentOS 8 ansible 2.9.17 config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = ['/var/lib/awx/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible executable location = /usr/bin/ansible python version = 3.6.8 (default, Aug 24 2020, 17:57:11) [GCC 8.3.1 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5)] AWX = 17.0.1 Docker = 20.10.2 build 2291f61 Erlang = 23[erts-11.1.5] RabbitMQ = 3.7.9 ansible_python_interpreter = auto (set globally) AnsibleControler: python = 3.6.8 (alternatives: python->auto->/usr/libexec/no-python, python3->auto->/usr/bin/python3.6) Targetserver: CentOS 7 (fresh install with latest updates) python = 2.7.5 & 3.6.8

1st pass workbook: summary: The playbook will finish and Ansible output says it changed (RabbitMQ user accounts and the created the queue/exchange bindings. results: When checking the target server, nothing has changed. no additional user accounts created or queue/exchange bindings created. rabbitmq_cluster_1st_pass.txt

2nd pass workbook: (same workbook no changes and did not reset the target machine to initial state): summary: The playbook fails on the first tasks that calls community.rabbitmq.rabbitmq_users with "can't determine the version of RabbitMQ server". rabbitmq_cluster_2nd_pass.txt

Attempted fixes:

  1. Change ansible_python_interpreter = /usr/bin/python3 at playbook and host level
  2. Change target system alternatives within playbook to set/unset alternatives before the module is called
    #- name: set_alternatives_python2_CentOS7
    #  shell: update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2 20
    #  when:
    #    - ansible_facts['distribution'] == "CentOS"
    #    - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "7"
    # Required for bug in rabbitmq_user module with Ansible 2.9+

- name: set_alternatives_python3_CentOS7

shell: update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 40


- ansible_facts['distribution'] == "CentOS"

- ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "7"

Required for bug in rabbitmq_user module with Ansible 2.9+

- name: set_alternatives_python_auto_CentOS7

shell: alternatives --auto python


- ansible_facts['distribution'] == "CentOS"

- ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "7"

Required for bug in rabbitmq_user module with Ansible 2.9+

tlb1galaxy commented 3 years ago

Forgot to attach the testserver01 Rabbitmq log. You can see where it registers the commands to create users but not on the system.


Testserver01 output: _listusers:

@testserver01 ~]# rabbitmqctl list_users
Listing users ...
user    tags
guest   [administrator]


testserver01 ~]# rabbitmqadmin --username=guest list exchanges name durable vhost type auto_delete
|        name        | durable | vhost |  type   | auto_delete |
|                    | True    | /     | direct  | False       |
|         | True    | /     | direct  | False       |
| amq.fanout         | True    | /     | fanout  | False       |
| amq.headers        | True    | /     | headers | False       |
| amq.match          | True    | /     | headers | False       |
| amq.rabbitmq.trace | True    | /     | topic   | False       |
| amq.topic          | True    | /     | topic   | False       |

RabbitMQ status:

testserver01 ~]# rabbitmqctl status
Status of node ...
     [{rabbitmq_management,"RabbitMQ Management Console","3.7.9"},
      {rabbitmq_management_agent,"RabbitMQ Management Agent","3.7.9"},
      {rabbitmq_web_dispatch,"RabbitMQ Web Dispatcher","3.7.9"},
      {amqp_client,"RabbitMQ AMQP Client","3.7.9"},
          "Modules shared by rabbitmq-server and rabbitmq-erlang-client",
      {ranch_proxy_protocol,"Ranch Proxy Protocol Transport","2.1.1"},
      {cowboy,"Small, fast, modern HTTP server.","2.4.0"},
      {ranch,"Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.","1.6.2"},
      {ssl,"Erlang/OTP SSL application","10.2"},
      {public_key,"Public key infrastructure","1.9.2"},
      {asn1,"The Erlang ASN1 compiler version 5.0.14","5.0.14"},
      {cowlib,"Support library for manipulating Web protocols.","2.3.0"},
      {mnesia,"MNESIA  CXC 138 12","4.18.1"},
      {os_mon,"CPO  CXC 138 46","2.6.1"},
      {recon,"Diagnostic tools for production use","2.3.6"},
      {jsx,"a streaming, evented json parsing toolkit","2.9.0"},
      {xmerl,"XML parser","1.3.26"},
      {inets,"INETS  CXC 138 49","7.3.1"},
      {lager,"Erlang logging framework","3.6.5"},
      {goldrush,"Erlang event stream processor","0.1.9"},
      {compiler,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","7.6.6"},
      {syntax_tools,"Syntax tools","2.4"},
      {sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","4.0.1"},
      {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","3.14"},
      {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","7.2"}]},
     "Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.1.5] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [ds:2:2:10] [async-threads:64] [hipe]\n"},
tlb1galaxy commented 3 years ago

Just figured out my issue. . On the RabbitMQ server, I set the "rabbitmq-env.conf" option: USE_LONGNAME=true

This essentially now changes the node name from: rabbit => rabbit@%fqdn%

So within the rabbitmq_user module, the node option needs to change to match.

- name: rabbitmq_user_add_vmwarerabbit
    user: vmwarerabbit
    password: "{{ vault_rabbitmq_vmwarerabbit }}"
    node: "rabbit@{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
    force: yes
    vhost: '/'
    configure_priv: '.*'
    read_priv: '.*'
    write_priv: '.*'
    state: present
    tags: administrator
    update_password: always

Suggestion: Can the error message be more clear why it fails. Something like "Node name 'rabbit' not found. Verify full node name"

Also the silent fail on the 1st pass (when the node option is not specified) needs to be a failure.

marc-jan commented 2 years ago

Any update on this issue?

I'm encountering exactly the same issue with up to date ansible version. Workaround with USE_LONGNAME and setting the node in playbook are not working.

charnet1019 commented 2 years ago

same issue.
ansible 2.12.6

lintyao commented 2 years ago

For me, adding become: yes solved the issue. I guess it is because the rabbitmqctl command can only be run by root (sudoer) or the rabbitmq user.

ZimnyakovRS commented 1 year ago

In my case, the problem was that I specified the hostname in uppercase in the inventory. In the module I used the inventory_hostname variable - "node: "rabbit@{{ inventory_hostname }}" ". After changing the upper case to the lower case in the hostname in the inventory, the module worked fine.

Im0 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your input @ZimnyakovRS

@charnet1019 @marc-jan @walidsa3d @EugenFo - are any of you still experiencing issues with this module or have you found the issue/workaround?

@tlb1galaxy thanks for your suggestions... I'm was just browsing and saw your suggestions. I might take a look at the code and see if anyone implemented or not.

younishd commented 1 year ago

I started getting this error after having appended my hostname to /etc/hosts as follows: localhost <hostname>

This had the effect that ansible_fqdn would now evaluate to localhost.

Setting the node parameter as follows seems to have fixed the problem for me:

- community.rabbitmq.rabbitmq_user:
    # …
    node: "rabbit@{{ ansible_hostname }}"
Fesenych commented 1 year ago

Is still here. ansible 2.14.1

eric-gitta-moore commented 1 year ago

Any news? Is still here. step:

Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS ansible [core 2.12.10] kolla-ansible 15.0.1.dev12. OpenStack Zed

(venv) root@ubuntu:~# kolla-ansible -i ./all-in-one deploy


TASK [nova : Running Nova API bootstrap container] **************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Bootstrap upgrade] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]

PLAY [Bootstrap nova cell databases] ****************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Bootstrap deploy] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [nova-cell : Creating Nova cell database] ******************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [nova-cell : Creating Nova cell database user and setting permissions] *************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [service-rabbitmq : nova | Ensure RabbitMQ vhosts exist] ***************************************************************************************************************

TASK [service-rabbitmq : nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist] ****************************************************************************************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (5 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (4 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (3 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (2 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (1 retries left).
failed: [localhost] (item=None) => {"attempts": 5, "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false}
fatal: [localhost -> {{ service_rabbitmq_delegate_host }}]: FAILED! => {"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false}

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT **********************************************************************************************************************************************************

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=155  changed=57   unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=131  rescued=0    ignored=0   
(venv) root@ubuntu:~# ansible --version
ansible [core 2.12.10]
  config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /path/to/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /root/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /path/to/venv/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.10.6 (main, Nov 14 2022, 16:10:14) [GCC 11.3.0]
  jinja version = 3.1.2
  libyaml = True
(venv) root@ubuntu:~# cat /etc/os-release 
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS"
VERSION="22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"
eric-gitta-moore commented 1 year ago

Any news? Is still here. step:

Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS ansible [core 2.12.10] kolla-ansible 15.0.1.dev12 OpenStack Zed

(venv) root@ubuntu:~# kolla-ansible -i ./all-in-one deploy


TASK [nova : Running Nova API bootstrap container] **************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Bootstrap upgrade] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]

PLAY [Bootstrap nova cell databases] ****************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Bootstrap deploy] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [nova-cell : Creating Nova cell database] ******************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [nova-cell : Creating Nova cell database user and setting permissions] *************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [service-rabbitmq : nova | Ensure RabbitMQ vhosts exist] ***************************************************************************************************************

TASK [service-rabbitmq : nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist] ****************************************************************************************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (5 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (4 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (3 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (2 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (1 retries left).
failed: [localhost] (item=None) => {"attempts": 5, "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false}
fatal: [localhost -> {{ service_rabbitmq_delegate_host }}]: FAILED! => {"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false}

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT **********************************************************************************************************************************************************

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=155  changed=57   unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=131  rescued=0    ignored=0   
(venv) root@ubuntu:~# ansible --version
ansible [core 2.12.10]
  config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /path/to/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /root/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /path/to/venv/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.10.6 (main, Nov 14 2022, 16:10:14) [GCC 11.3.0]
  jinja version = 3.1.2
  libyaml = True
(venv) root@ubuntu:~# cat /etc/os-release 
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS"
VERSION="22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"

kolla-ansible stable/yoga is work for me.

sxmatch commented 1 year ago

Any news? Is still here. step: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS ansible [core 2.12.10] kolla-ansible 15.0.1.dev12 OpenStack Zed

(venv) root@ubuntu:~# kolla-ansible -i ./all-in-one deploy


TASK [nova : Running Nova API bootstrap container] **************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Bootstrap upgrade] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]

PLAY [Bootstrap nova cell databases] ****************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Bootstrap deploy] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [nova-cell : Creating Nova cell database] ******************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [nova-cell : Creating Nova cell database user and setting permissions] *************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [service-rabbitmq : nova | Ensure RabbitMQ vhosts exist] ***************************************************************************************************************

TASK [service-rabbitmq : nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist] ****************************************************************************************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (5 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (4 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (3 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (2 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (1 retries left).
failed: [localhost] (item=None) => {"attempts": 5, "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false}
fatal: [localhost -> {{ service_rabbitmq_delegate_host }}]: FAILED! => {"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false}

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT **********************************************************************************************************************************************************

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=155  changed=57   unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=131  rescued=0    ignored=0   
(venv) root@ubuntu:~# ansible --version
ansible [core 2.12.10]
  config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /path/to/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /root/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /path/to/venv/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.10.6 (main, Nov 14 2022, 16:10:14) [GCC 11.3.0]
  jinja version = 3.1.2
  libyaml = True
(venv) root@ubuntu:~# cat /etc/os-release 
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS"
VERSION="22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"

kolla-ansible stable/yoga is work for me.

same issue too, kolla-ansible 15.1.0, OpenStack master.

winiciusallan commented 7 months ago

Any news? Is still here. step: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS ansible [core 2.12.10] kolla-ansible 15.0.1.dev12 OpenStack Zed

(venv) root@ubuntu:~# kolla-ansible -i ./all-in-one deploy


TASK [nova : Running Nova API bootstrap container] **************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Bootstrap upgrade] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]

PLAY [Bootstrap nova cell databases] ****************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Bootstrap deploy] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [nova-cell : Creating Nova cell database] ******************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [nova-cell : Creating Nova cell database user and setting permissions] *************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [service-rabbitmq : nova | Ensure RabbitMQ vhosts exist] ***************************************************************************************************************

TASK [service-rabbitmq : nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist] ****************************************************************************************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (5 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (4 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (3 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (2 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist (1 retries left).
failed: [localhost] (item=None) => {"attempts": 5, "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false}
fatal: [localhost -> {{ service_rabbitmq_delegate_host }}]: FAILED! => {"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false}

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT **********************************************************************************************************************************************************

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=155  changed=57   unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=131  rescued=0    ignored=0   
(venv) root@ubuntu:~# ansible --version
ansible [core 2.12.10]
  config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /path/to/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /root/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /path/to/venv/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.10.6 (main, Nov 14 2022, 16:10:14) [GCC 11.3.0]
  jinja version = 3.1.2
  libyaml = True
(venv) root@ubuntu:~# cat /etc/os-release 
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS"
VERSION="22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"

kolla-ansible stable/yoga is work for me.

same issue too, kolla-ansible 15.1.0, OpenStack master.

Hi, have you found any solution? I have the same problem.

I'm using Openstack Zed release Ubuntu 22.04 kolla-ansible 15.2.1 ansible 2.13.11 rabbitmq 3.10.25