I would like to be able to retrieve details about a reservation, specifically if its present, without modifying it.
Currently if using
- name: Locate the dhcp assigned ip address in the dhcp server
mac: "{{ find_mac }}"
register: dhcp_results
delegate_to: "{{ dhcp_delegate }}"
it will fail if it isn't present, and will modify the current entry if it is. Changing the name of the reservation to reservation-{MAC}
I want to know the details only, not make any changes. This is similar to the current feature request #498 to pull all info, but i want it for the mac address for a single lease
Allow dhcp info retrieval without modification of the current entry.
If only the mac is present, retrieve only, or if that's considered breaking change, as it may have been depended upon to auto (not that it creates and entry with only a mac, but if new functionality was made to create a new entry with a current free ip, then a different attribute, like lookup_mac would be needed for lookup only.
- name: Locate the dhcp assigned ip address in the dhcp server
lookup_mac: "{{ find_mac }}"
register: dhcp_results
delegate_to: "{{ dhcp_delegate }}"
Powershell to do the same would be:
Get-DhcpServerv4Scope | foreach {Get-DhcpServerv4Lease -computername $env:computername -allleases -ScopeId ($_.ScopeId)} | ? clientid -match 'xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx'
I would like to be able to retrieve details about a reservation, specifically if its present, without modifying it. Currently if using
it will fail if it isn't present, and will modify the current entry if it is. Changing the name of the reservation to reservation-{MAC} I want to know the details only, not make any changes. This is similar to the current feature request #498 to pull all info, but i want it for the mac address for a single lease
If only the mac is present, retrieve only, or if that's considered breaking change, as it may have been depended upon to auto (not that it creates and entry with only a mac, but if new functionality was made to create a new entry with a current free ip, then a different attribute, like lookup_mac would be needed for lookup only.
Powershell to do the same would be:
Get-DhcpServerv4Scope | foreach {Get-DhcpServerv4Lease -computername $env:computername -allleases -ScopeId ($_.ScopeId)} | ? clientid -match 'xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx'