ansible-collections / ibm_zos_core

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[Epic] 2024 Z Trial refresh #1523

Open storfibm opened 1 month ago

storfibm commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Enhancement or feature description

The Z Trial environment for Ansible on Z continues to be a popular entry point for users to first experience Ansible for IBM in a working setup. It removes many of the complications that users might face if they strictly want to run playbooks in a mainframe environment without many of the pre-setup administration. It also provides step-by-step guidance in terms of how to execute published playbooks in the sample playbook repository, which can be useful for users that are new to the concept of playbooks. Continuing to provide relevant updates will ensure users can run scenarios that may be more relevant to their use cases.

Acceptance criteria Given the Z Trial demo image When a user requests a new instance Then product dependencies are current and a new archive/unarchive scenario & a new script scenario are available along with other playbooks on the demo instance for use

Use cases

  1. Ping a sample z/OS environment (No change)
  2. Handle basic dataset operations (No change)
  3. Perform job management (No change)
  4. Archive/unarchive operations (New)
  5. Running existing scripts on a z/OS endpoint (New)
  6. Explore other sample playbook content (Order change)


  1. Move current scenario 4 to 6 - Must have As a developer I want to move Z Trial scenario 4 to the last position such that other scenarios can be highlighted instead
  2. Refresh sample playbooks in Z Trial environment - Could have As a user I want to have all current content from the RHACC sample playbook repository available in the snapshot on the Z Trial environment such that I can experiment with other playbooks and use cases
  3. Supporting program version currency - Must have As a user I want to have more current versions of dependencies like ZOAU 1.3+, Python 3.12+ & AC 1.10+ available such that the experience I had during Z Trial transfers more directly into versions of components available for my own environment
  4. Add new archive playbook to sample playbook repository - Must have As a user I want to not only have an MVS type archive playbook, but also one that highlights USS archive activities
  5. Archive playbook scenario - Must have As a user I want to have a walkthrough Z Trial scenario that leverages the archive sample playbooks such that I can work with MVS and USS archives
  6. Add a new script scenario - Must have
  7. As a user I want to have a walkthrough Z Trial scenario that leverages the script submission playbooks such that I can run existing REXX or Python style scripts on the endpoint

Additional context - -

Ansible module

zos_archive, zos_script, zos_unarchive