ansible-collections / overview

Collections overview, how to request a namespace
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Changes impacting Collection Contributors and maintainers #45

Closed gundalow closed 2 years ago

gundalow commented 4 years ago


Please subscribe to ansible-collections/news-for-maintainers

Details of what's changed

In accordance with the Community decision, we have created the news-for-maintainers repository for announcements of changes impacting collection maintainers (see the examples) instead of this issue.

gundalow commented 4 years ago

Remove tests/sanity/requirements.txt from collections

The file tests/sanity/requirements.txt was put into collections by mistake, it should be removed.

See #43 for details

gundalow commented 4 years ago

Update collection tests from RHEL 7.6 to 7.8

Update CI to run against RHEL 7.8/

See #44 for details

gundalow commented 4 years ago

Changelog process for collections

Feedback needed

We have a continuing need for changelogs (or release notes) to cover:

There are various proposals outlined Please comment and vote for preferred solution.

relrod commented 4 years ago

Update collection tests from RHEL 8.1 to 8.2

Update CI to run against RHEL 8.2.

See #54 for details.

samccann commented 4 years ago


Use meta/routing.yml for deprecated and removed status.

Do collection owners want a DOCUMENTATION field to cover preview vs stable status for a module??

See for details.

gundalow commented 4 years ago

ansible-test (validate-modules) now checks for correct module deprecation

All, we've just merged This means that deprecated modules and plugins

Call to action

relrod commented 4 years ago

Update collection tests to test on Fedora 32

Update CI to run against Fedora 32.

See #59 for details.

gundalow commented 4 years ago


In Ansible 2.9 and earlier we had the concept of ANSIBLE_METADATA, to express support level and deprecation. With the move to Collections, and support being defined if a Collection is in Galaxy vs Automation Hub, ANSIBLE_METADATA is no longer needed.See for background

Call to action

felixfontein commented 4 years ago

Sanity tests for removed_in_version and deprecated_aliases

The devel version of ansible-test now validates removed_in_version and deprecated_aliases (ansible/ansible#66920). For collections, these are assumed to be collection version numbers, i.e. in semver format. Version numbers not in that format - for example verison numbers taken from ansible/ansible during the migration - are not valid semver versions and thus fail validation.

Call to action

gundalow commented 4 years ago

Next Virtual Contributors Summit

We're going to set the date for our next Contributor Summit soon, please let us know what works best for you!

mattclay commented 4 years ago

ansible-test default test container updated

The devel version of ansible-test has been upgraded to use the latest version of the default test container.

This may result in new test failures.

There are several issues that are likely to occur:

Call to action

mattclay commented 4 years ago

Remove "smoke tests" from migrated collections

Before migration there were test groups configured for ansible/ansible on Shippable that used "smoke tests" as an optimization when all tests were triggered. These groups were used for tests such as Windows, AWS, etc.

These smoke tests groups do not make sense for collections, and their presence could result in too few (or possibly no) tests running on those collections when certain changes are made.

Call to action

If you are the maintainer of a collection which was migrated from ansible/ansible and are using copies of the original Shippable scripts (tests/utils/shippable/*.sh) you should remove smoke test configuration from your collection:

1) Remove CI groups in tests/integration/targets/*/aliases which contain smoketest. 2) Update scripts in tests/utils/shippable/*.sh to remove smoketest logic. Look for the string smoketest as well as for use of the --changed-all-target option for ansible-test.

gundalow commented 4 years ago

Next Ansible PR review day (Collections)

The next PR day will be Wednesday 17th June 2020 from 1400UTC

See for further info. Hope to see you there!

mattclay commented 4 years ago

Specifying test requirements for collections

The default test container for ansible-test has been reduced from a compressed size of about 1.6 GB to 700 MB. This was partially accomplished by removing pre-installed Python packages that are not required by ansible-test.

Some collection unit and integration tests may have been depending on those pre-installed requirements. As a result, some tests may now fail or be skipped.

Call to action

If you are the maintainer of a collection and are using ansible-test to run unit or integration tests, make sure to declare Python test requirements in your collections:

Separate requirements can be used for each type of integration test if required:

When any of these files are present, ansible-test will use pip to install them if the --docker, --venv or --requirements options are used.

felixfontein commented 4 years ago

Freeze and bump of devel version to 2.11.0.dev0 requires tests/sanity/ignore-2.11.txt

When today (AFAIK) ansible-base's stable-2.10 branch will be forked from devel, and devel's version bumped to 2.11.0.dev0, ansible-test sanity will look for ignore entries in tests/sanity/ignore-2.11.txt and no longer in tests/sanity/ignore-2.10.txt. (The ansible-test version from stable-2.10 will use that file.)

So in case you have entries in tests/sanity/ignore-2.10.txt and test with devel, sanity tests will start failing until you copy tests/sanity/ignore-2.10.txt to tests/sanity/ignore-2.11.txt.

samccann commented 4 years ago

Move changelog and porting guide entries from ansible/ansible to your collection

The ansible/ansible existing 2.10 porting guide has entries that really belong with the individual collections. Similarly, changelog fragments are being removed from ansible/ansible if they are not for code within the ansible/ansible repo.

Call to Action

Please move any changelogs or porting guide entries from ansible/ansible to your collection if you haven't already.

sivel commented 4 years ago

I cannot edit the above comment, however please see as well for removed changelog fragments (it was the first and largest)

felixfontein commented 4 years ago

Deprecation in collections (and ansible-base)

Here's a summary of how deprecation by version or by date works on various levels. The collection name used in ansible-base (i.e. ansible/ansible) is ansible.builtin.

  1. Module/plugin deprecation:
    • deprecated entry in DOCUMENTATION with:
      • why, alternative (required)
      • either removed_in: <version> or removed_at_date: <date>
      • (removed_from_collection is automatically inserted if not present)
    • deprecation entry in meta/runtime.yml with:
      • warning_text (optional)
      • either removal_version: <version> or removal_date: <date>
  2. Plugin option deprecation in DOCUMENTATION (for option itself, for ini entry, for vars entry, for env entry)
    • why (required)
    • alternative (optional)
    • either version: <version> or date: <date>
    • (collection_name is automatically inserted if not present)
  3. Module argument spec option deprecation:
    • either removed_in_version="<version>" or removed_at_date="<date>"
    • removed_from_collection="<>" (required)
  4. Module argument spec alias deprecation:
    • name="<alias>" (required)
    • collection_name="<>" (required)
    • either version="<version>" or date="<date>"
  5. Display.deprecated() and AnsibleModule.deprecate() calls
    • first positional argument msg (required)
    • either version="<version>" or date="<date>"
    • collection_name="<>" (required)
felixfontein commented 4 years ago

Also, stable-2.10 has been branched.

jborean93 commented 4 years ago

2 things I've come across in the Windows collections that is probably a good idea for others to check

Requirements files

samccann commented 4 years ago

updating M() and :seealso: module references in DOCUMENTATION blocks

the M() and :seealso: sections in each module DOCUMENTATION block need to use FQCN.

Call to action

Please update M() and :seealso: to include FQCN.


For modules in a collection: M(community.general.apt_rpm)
For modules in `ansible-base: M(ansible.builtin.yum)

gundalow commented 4 years ago

AnsibleFest call for papers is open

As you may have heard, we have decided to make AnsibleFest 2020 a virtual experience. We hope to use this opportunity to collaborate, connect, and chat with more automation fans than ever before. It is exciting to think about how many more people will be able to join in on the automation conversation.

AnsibleFest Virtual Experience will be a free, immersive, multi day event on 13-14 October, 2020, that will deliver empowering content from customer keynotes, breakout sessions, access to Ansible experts, and more.

This is a great opportunity to share your automation story with thousands of open source enthusiasts and technology experts.

On Monday 12th October (to be confirmed) we host another virtual Contributors Summit as part of AnsibleFest, more details on that closer to the time.

Call to action

We'd love to hear from the community, especially those like yourselves that have started their journey with collections.

Call for proposals is now open!

Submit your automation story here by 15th July 2020.


You can see previous videos and slides here

felixfontein commented 4 years ago

version_added in collections

Please note that version_added in a collection always refers to the collection's version numbers (in particluar, they must be of the form x.y.z)! So please do not use version_added: "2.10" in collections, but instead put version_added: <version of your collection the feature was added> in there.

(If you absolutely want to refer to a version of another collection, you can add version_added_collection: next to version_added. The name of ansible-base is ansible.builtin.)

samccann commented 4 years ago

Collection module docs now on for review

  1. Go to
  2. Verify your collection docs look valid.
  3. See for a list of known issues and enhancements we are already tracking. Before you open an issue, please drop into the #ansible-docs IRC channel to discuss/troubleshoot any problems you are seeing.

Known issues and Important Caveats

felixfontein commented 4 years ago

version_added in collections is now better validated (modules only)

ansible/ansible#70869 fixed validation of version_added for modules in collections: now also the top-level version_added is checked, and the correct error codes are returned when version_added fails validation for (sub-)options and (sub-)return values.

abadger commented 4 years ago

We've published the tentative release schedule for the ansible-2.10 package:!topic/ansible-devel/srweNQ92pJw Important dates from that schedule:

Please see the full post to know what's expected by those dates.

In the future this information will live on

felixfontein commented 4 years ago

The 2020-08-18 date is of particular importance. This means that by that day, you MUST have released 1.0.0 for it to appear in Ansible 2.10. If you only have a 0.x.y release by then, we will not automatically include a newer version since according to semver, anything can happen and no stability guarantees are made. So please make sure that you released 1.0.0 by then.

sivel commented 4 years ago

We've just introduced an Alpine3 distro-test-container for ansible/ansible, and included it our CI matrix. This container may be of use in collections as well. One important note is that we tried to not install many packages that replace functionality in BusyBox, so we get a better test matrix against BusyBox.

felixfontein commented 4 years ago

Since I've seen that in quite a few collections now: if you use ansible-test sanity --docker -v --color --python 3.6 for running sanity tests (and nothing else), you must remove the --python 3.6 part! The parameter causes that several tests are not run (like compile / import tests for Python versions that are not 3.6). Only use the --python parameter to ansible-test sanity --docker if you know exactly what it does, and you are sure that you are calling ansible-test sanity multiple times to really cover all tests!

abadger commented 4 years ago

Minor change to the release schedule. We're going to leave feature freeze for ansible-2.10.0 development until ansible-2.10.0beta1 is released next week. If you have features you still want to get in to your collection in time for 2.10.0, you still have time to upload them to If this causes you issues, please let me know. (abadger1999 on, tkuratom for email)

abadger commented 4 years ago

Some more changes to the pre-release schedule. These are due to the one week slip of ansible-base-2.10.1:!topic/ansible-devel/618bSHJ7K64

The new dates would be:

abadger commented 4 years ago

Some more information on the IRC meeting to decide on blockers for the Ansible-2.10.0 release:

Important: If the Meeting Agenda does not contain any comments listing potential blockers when the meeting starts on Thursday, we'll end the meeting early. We will wait for five minutes or so to see if anyone proposes a blocker at the start of the meeting itself but otherwise we'll cut the meeting short. So please, if you have a candidate blocker; get your issue listed on the Community Agenda ASAP.

gundalow commented 4 years ago

Changes to ansible-galaxy login for role/collection publishers

If you use the ansible-galaxy CLI to publish roles or collections to Galaxy, you may care about this. The GitHub API that underlies the ansible-galaxy login command is being removed in November. Without it, users doing role or collection publish operations via the Galaxy CLI will need to find their Galaxy token interactively in a browser and pass it to the CLI with --token (as the ability to generate a token from the CLI will no longer function). We're not sure what people do today or how much this option is used out in the world, so please read and weigh in at in the next few days if you have an opinion.

samdoran commented 4 years ago

macOS 10.15 testing image now available in CI

It is now possible to test against macOS 10.15 using anisble-test >=2.10.0. The existing OS X 10.11 images are still available.

ansible-test integration --remote macos/10.15 [test] ansible-test shell --remote macos/10.15

The macOS testing is now being done on newer hosts, so test execution for macOS 10.15 and OS X 10.11 should be much faster now.

felixfontein commented 4 years ago

If your collection's integration tests use a copy of prepare_http_tests, you want to look at for how to adjust it to run with macOS 10.15. That PR might also be useful for other changes needed.

felixfontein commented 4 years ago

ansible-test sanity validates more semantic versioning properties for collections

ansible/ansible#71679 added more validation of version_added and removal versions (for deprecations) in collections so that the versions mentiones there satisfy semantic versioning:

felixfontein commented 3 years ago

Please make sure to not include unwanted artifacts in your collection release on galaxy!

Common problems in the past have been:

Please download the tarball of the latest release of your collection to check whether it includes something that shouldn't be there, if you're not sure.

gundalow commented 3 years ago

Ansible-3.0.0 Schedule and Preview of 4.0.0 Schedule

In yesterday's public Ansible Community Meeting the community signed off on the Ansible-3.0.0 release schedule.


Package ansible-core (previously known as ansible-base): The Engine plus the builtin plugins Package ansible 2.10 The ~70 collections that hold the modules in ansible-2.9. Depends on ansible-core

The rest of this document is about the ansible package


For full details click here

felixfontein commented 3 years ago

New sanity check for deprecation / tombstone dates / versions in meta/runtime.yml

ansible/ansible#72625 added validation for deprecation and tombstone dates and versions in meta/runtime.yml. This should stop you from accidentally forgetting a deprecated redirect scheduled for removal, or adding an invalid removal version (removals must must happen in major releases according to semver).

mattclay commented 3 years ago

ansible-test no longer includes virtualenv on FreeBSD or RHEL instances for Python 3.x

ansible-test integration has been updated to no longer pre-install the virtualenv package on Python 3.x for FreeBSD or RHEL instances provisioned with the --remote option.

On Python 3.x, it is recommended that you do not install the virtualenv package as part of your tests. Instead, when running tests on Python 3.x, use the Python built-in venv module.

Below are recommendations on how to handle potential failures in tests as a result of this change:

NOTE: The upcoming macOS 11 image for ansible-test will not include virtualenv. Future updates to the Linux test containers used by ansible-test for Python 3.x may also exclude virtualenv.

samdoran commented 3 years ago

macOS 11.1 now available for testing

macOS 11.1 with Python 3.9.1 is now available in CI (--remote macos/11.1). As mentioned previously, it does not contain virtualenv.

If you are testing Ansible 2.10 or later, including devel, please switch to testing with macOS 11.1.

For Ansible 2.9, continue to use osx/10.11. We do not plan to fix tests for stable-2.9 to pass using the macos/11.1 image.

relrod commented 3 years ago

freebsd/11.4 and freebsd/12.2 now available for testing on devel branch

FreeBSD 11.4 and FreeBSD 12.2 are now both available for testing in CI (--remote freebsd/11.4 and --remote freebsd/12.2 respectively), for those using ansible-test from the devel branch.

relrod commented 3 years ago

Ubuntu 20.04 now available for testing on devel branch

Ubuntu 20.04 (--docker ubuntu2004) is now available for use with ansible-test on the devel branch.

Note that due to packaging issues with python3-virtualenv in Ubuntu 20.04, users may find that some tests fail if the tests use virtualenv. In this case, users are referred to this announcement which provides useful information on how to resolve these failures.

mattclay commented 3 years ago

rstcheck sanity test no longer used for collections

The rstcheck sanity test in ansible-test (devel branch) is now limited to running against ansible/ansible and is no longer used for collections. See for additional details.

mattclay commented 3 years ago

Replace Fedora 30 and 31 in CI with Fedora 32 and 33

Fedora 30 and 31 are unsupported and have reached end-of-life.

If your collection is tested against either of these releases, update your testing to use Fedora 32 and 33 instead.

Support for these older releases will be dropped from the devel version of ansible-test in the future (timeframe TBD).

felixfontein commented 3 years ago

Security: avoid information leaks (that are easy avoidable) in your modules by using no_log=True!

I created a WIP PR for ansible-test's validate-modules (based on a branch by @gundalow) which looks for module options that potentially should have had no_log=True set to prevent secrets from showing up in log files: Please run this PR on your collections (install ansible-core from that branch, run ansible-test sanity --docker -v --test validate-modules) to see if it spots something that should be hidden. If you have suggestions of both how to broaden the option names to search for, and how to prevent more false-positives, please mention them in the PR!

Please note that I know that the PR produces a certain number of false positives. This is annoying, but I think it's more important to catch more information leaks. Also, false positives can be marked with no_log=False to indicate "I know the name looks like it is a secret, but it is definitely not". This shuts off the warning for a specific option without needing an ignore.txt entry (which would disable the warning for all options in the module).

If you're wondering whether something like that is needed for plugins: not really, since plugins have no mechanism to mark options as secret - mostly since there's no automatic code which could accidental log them. The plugin itself is responsible for making sure they are not logged (or leaked in another way). AnsibleModule usually logs the module call with all parameters; for example, on one of my servers, grepping for ansible in the syslog quickly found:

Feb 05 16:02:56 ansible-ansible.legacy.stat[9280]: Invoked with path=/path/to/file follow=False get_checksum=True checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True

If a module option is marked with no_log=True, it will not be dumped here. If you have an option secret_api_key which is not marked as no_log=True, the secret API key provided by the user ends up in the log (if the user doesn't mark the whole task with no_log: true). So it's really important that modules use no_log=True for everything that shouldn't be logged.

eqrx commented 3 years ago

Hey, the azure pipelines container has been updated to include an additional dependency and will speed up runs. This change is purely for performance.

Please change the entry

    - container: default


    - container: default

in your .azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines.yml.

mattclay commented 3 years ago

Action Required by March 1st for Collections Using Azure Pipelines

See the report below for updates that may be required for collections tested on Azure Pipelines.

The entries marked Remove must be completed by March 1st to avoid test failures.

Azure Pipelines Test Matrix Updates

Projects using Azure Pipelines to test against the ansible-core devel branch have been checked to verify their test matrix is up-to-date.

A report on each project's status, as well as the required and recommended actions are explained below.

Using the Checklist

Each project is given a status as follows:

The types of changes are as follows:

IMPORTANT: These changes should only be made for the portion of the test matrix tested against the devel branch of ansible-core.


mattclay commented 3 years ago

Action Required by March 1st for Collections Using ansible-test with --docker

If your collection is tested using see the previous announcement instead.

If your collection is tested with ansible-test using the --docker option, continue reading.

IMPORTANT: These changes only affect tests against the Ansible devel and upcoming stable-2.11 branches.

On March 1st, the following containers will no longer be supported by the --docker option:

If your collection is tested against any of these containers, please update your tests to use the following instead:

These changes must be completed by March 1st for any tests run against the Ansible devel branch to avoid test failures. Changes should not be made for tests run against existing Ansible stable-X branches.

mattclay commented 3 years ago

Updated pylint Sanity Test

The pylint sanity test for ansible-test has been updated to pylint 2.6.0 in the devel branch. This is the latest version of pylint and it brings with it several changes:

As a result of this update you may begin seeing new sanity test failures. These issues should be resolved, or as a temporary measure, ignores should be added.

If you encounter any of the following issues, please open an issue in the repo so they can be addressed: