ansible-community / antsibull-docs

Tooling for building Ansible documentation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Schema for choices results in validation error #287

Closed oraNod closed 2 weeks ago

oraNod commented 2 weeks ago

Antsibull-docs throws a validation error during Sphinx build for the core docs due to the format of choices in the package_facts module.

This is the validation error:

WARNING: Lexing literal_block '1 validation error for ModuleDocSchema\ndoc -> options -> manager -> __root__\n  
Invalid value {\'apk\': [\'Alpine Linux package manager\'], \'apt\': [\'For DEB based distros, C(python-apt) package must be installed on targeted hosts\'], \'auto\': [\'Depending on O(strategy), will match the first or all package managers provided, in order\'], \'dnf\': [\'Alias to rpm\'], \'dnf5\': [\'Alias to rpm\'], \'openbsd_pkg\': [\'Alias to pkg_info\'], \'pacman\': [\'Archlinux package manager/builder\'], \'pkg\': [\'libpkg front end (FreeBSD)\'], \'pkg5\': [\'Alias to pkg\'], \'pkg_info\': [\'OpenBSD package manager\'], \'pkgng\': [\'Alias to pkg\'], \'portage\': ["Handles ebuild packages, it requires the C(qlist) utility, which is part of \'app-portage/portage-utils\'"], \'rpm\': [\'For RPM based distros, requires RPM Python bindings, not installed by default on Suse (python3-rpm)\'], \'yum\': [\'Alias to rpm\'], \'zypper\': [\'Alias to rpm\']} 
for "choices": <class \'dict\'> cannot be converted to a list (type=value_error)' as "YAML+Jinja" resulted in an error at token: ','. Retrying in relaxed mode.

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Seems related to

felixfontein commented 2 weeks ago

Support for that has been added a long time ago. Which version of antsibull-docs is used to produce that error? Do you have some kind of logs to look at?

felixfontein commented 2 weeks ago

Also as you can see on the devel docsite, this is rendered correctly:

oraNod commented 2 weeks ago

@felixfontein Sigh, my bad. Apparently it was just my environment and likely an older version of antsibull-docs (antsibull-docs-2.7.0). Sorry for the noise.

felixfontein commented 2 weeks ago

No worries, I'm glad this is now resolved :)

oraNod commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks. There were some similar errors in the package docs build (some logs). But, yeah, I should have made sure the issue was reproduced somewhere other than my laptop.

felixfontein commented 2 weeks ago

Quite a few warnings do not concern antsibull-docs generated stuff btw. Looks like some cleanup should be done, and potentially some error-checking isn't properly working / skipping community-only files:

community/collection_contributors/collection_package_removal.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
dev_guide/ansible_index.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
dev_guide/core_index.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
porting_guides/core_porting_guides.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
roadmap/index.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
scenario_guides/guide_alicloud.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
scenario_guides/guide_online.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
scenario_guides/guide_packet.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
scenario_guides/guide_scaleway.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
index.rst:60: WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document 'scenario_guides/network_guides'
roadmap/ansible_roadmap_index.rst:5: WARNING: duplicate label roadmaps, other instance in roadmap/ansible_core_roadmap_index.rst
roadmap/index.rst:4: WARNING: duplicate label roadmaps, other instance in roadmap/ansible_roadmap_index.rst
dev_guide/core_index.rst:5: WARNING: duplicate label developer_guide, other instance in dev_guide/ansible_index.rst
dev_guide/index.rst:5: WARNING: duplicate label developer_guide, other instance in dev_guide/core_index.rst
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:70: WARNING: undefined label: 'ansible-and-python-3'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:197: WARNING: undefined label: 'documentation-block'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:198: WARNING: undefined label: 'examples-block'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:210: WARNING: undefined label: 'linking-and-other-format-macros-within-module-documentation'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:211: WARNING: undefined label: 'return-block'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:278: WARNING: undefined label: 'creating-an-info-or-a-facts-module'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:391: WARNING: undefined label: 'ansible-and-python-3'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:392: WARNING: undefined label: 'ansible-and-python-3'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:462: WARNING: undefined label: 'migrating-ansible-content-to-a-different-collection'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:471: WARNING: undefined label: 'term-idempotency'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:472: WARNING: undefined label: 'creating-an-info-or-a-facts-module'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:474: WARNING: undefined label: '#following-ansible-conventions'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:529: WARNING: undefined label: 'style-guide'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:530: WARNING: undefined label: 'testing-sanity'
community/collection_contributors/collection_requirements.rst:531: WARNING: undefined label: 'unit-tests>`_and / or :ref:`integration tests <integration-tests'
community/maintainers_guidelines.rst:73: WARNING: undefined label: 'steering_responsibilitie'
community/steering/community_steering_committee.rst:171: WARNING: undefined label: 'collection_requirements'
dev_guide/ansible_index.rst:40: WARNING: undefined label: ''
dev_guide/index.rst:40: WARNING: undefined label: ''
network/user_guide/network_debug_troubleshooting.rst:264: WARNING: undefined label: 'a_note_about_logging'
felixfontein commented 2 weeks ago

Some interesting messages related to antsibull-docs:

collections/vmware/vmware_rest/vcenter_host_info_module.rst:160: WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string.
collections/vmware/vmware_rest/vcenter_vm_hardware_memory_module.rst:221: WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string.
collections/vmware/vmware_rest/vcenter_vm_info_module.rst:322: WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string.
collections/vmware/vmware_rest/vcenter_vm_module.rst:588: WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string.
collections/vmware/vmware_rest/vcenter_vm_module.rst:762: WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string.
collections/vmware/vmware_rest/vcenter_vm_module.rst:1199: WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string.
collections/ngine_io/cloudstack/cs_host_module.rst:817: WARNING: malformed hyperlink target.
collections/fortinet/fortios/fortios_extender_controller_dataplan_module.rst:254: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "ansible_collections.fortinet.fortios.fortios_extender_controller_dataplan_module__parameter-extender_controller_dataplan/apn".
collections/fortinet/fortios/fortios_extender_controller_dataplan_module.rst:793: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "ansible_collections.fortinet.fortios.fortios_extender_controller_dataplan_module__parameter-extender_controller_dataplan/pdn".
collections/cisco/mso/mso_dhcp_option_policy_option_module.rst:282: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/ise/reservation_module.rst:138: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/ise/support_bundle_download_module.rst:170: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/meraki/meraki_ms_access_policies_module.rst:469: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/dnac/network_settings_intent_module.rst:548: WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
collections/cisco/dnac/network_settings_workflow_manager_module.rst:554: WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
collections/cisco/dnac/discovery_module.rst:2262: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/dnac/discovery_module.rst:2330: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/dnac/discovery_module.rst:2398: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/dnac/discovery_module.rst:2466: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/dnac/discovery_module.rst:2602: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/aci/aci_l3out_hsrp_secondary_vip_module.rst:257: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/aci/aci_l3out_logical_interface_profile_ospf_policy_module.rst:412: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/aci/aci_switch_leaf_selector_module.rst:682: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/aci/aci_vmm_credential_module.rst:363: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/aci/aci_aaa_user_certificate_module.rst:328: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/aci/aci_aaa_user_module.rst:1258: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/cisco/aci/aci_epg_subnet_module.rst:1041: WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "".
collections/azure/azcollection/azure_rm_eventhub_module.rst:: ERROR: Anonymous hyperlink mismatch: 1 references but 0 targets.
See "backrefs" attribute for IDs.
collections/azure/azcollection/azure_rm_expressroute_module.rst:: ERROR: Anonymous hyperlink mismatch: 1 references but 0 targets.
See "backrefs" attribute for IDs.
collections/azure/azcollection/azure_rm_notificationhub_module.rst:: ERROR: Anonymous hyperlink mismatch: 1 references but 0 targets.
See "backrefs" attribute for IDs.
collections/vmware/vmware_rest/docsite/index.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
collections/vmware/vmware_rest/docsite/vmware_rest_scenarios/vcenter_vm_customize/index.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
collections/cisco/iosxr/iosxr_banner_module.rst:235: WARNING: Lexing literal_block "- name: configure the login banner\n  cisco.iosxr.iosxr_banner:\n    banner: login\n    text: |\n      @this is my login banner\n      that contains a multiline\n      string@\n    state: present\n- name: remove the motd banner\n  cisco.iosxr.iosxr_banner:\n    banner: motd\n    state: absent\n- name: Configure banner from file\n  cisco.iosxr.iosxr_banner:\n    banner: motd\n    text: '{{ lookup(''file'', ''./config_partial/raw_banner.cfg'') }}'\n    state: present" as "yaml+jinja" resulted in an error at token: '.'. Retrying in relaxed mode.
collections/cisco/iosxr/iosxr_prefix_lists_module.rst:714: WARNING: Lexing literal_block '# Using merged\n\n\n# Before state\n# RP/0/0/CPU0:10#show running-config\n# Thu Feb  4 09:38:36.245 UTC\n# % No such configuration item(s)\n# RP/0/0/CPU0:10#\n#\n\n\n- name: Merge the provided configuration with the existing running configuration\n  cisco.iosxr.iosxr_prefix_lists:\n    state: merged\n    config:\n      - afi: ipv6\n        prefix_lists:\n          - name: pl_1\n            entries:\n              - prefix: \'2001:db8:1234::/48\'\n                action: deny\n                sequence: 1\n          - name: pl_2\n            entries:\n              - sequence: 2\n                action: remark\n                description: TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n      - afi: ipv4\n        prefix_lists:\n          - name: pl1\n            entries:\n              - sequence: 3\n                action: remark\n                description: TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n              - sequence: 4\n                action: permit\n                prefix:\n          - name: pl2\n            entries:\n              - sequence: 5\n                action: remark\n                description: TEST_PL2_REMARK\n          - name: pl3\n            entries:\n              - sequence: 6\n                action: permit\n                prefix:\n                eq: 0\n\n# Task Output\n# -------------\n# before: []\n# commands:\n# - ipv6 prefix-list pl_1 1 deny 2001:db8:1234::/48\n# - ipv6 prefix-list pl_2 2 remark TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n# - ipv4 prefix-list pl1 3 remark TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n# - ipv4 prefix-list pl1 4 permit\n# - ipv4 prefix-list pl2 5 remark TEST_PL2_REMARK\n# - ipv4 prefix-list pl3 6 permit eq 0\n# after:\n# - afi: ipv6\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - name: pl_1\n#     entries:\n#     - prefix: 2001:db8:1234::/48\n#       action: deny\n#       sequence: 1\n#   - name: pl_2\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 2\n#       action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n# - afi: ipv4\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - name: pl1\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 3\n#       action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n#     - sequence: 4\n#       action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#   - name: pl2\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 5\n#       action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL2_REMARK\n#   - name: pl3\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 6\n#       action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#       eq: 0\n\n\n# After state:\n# ------------\n# RP/0/0/CPU0:10#show running-config\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_1\n#  1 deny 2001:db8:1234::/48\n# !\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_2\n#  2 remark TEST_PL_2_REMAR\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl1\n#  3 remark TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n#  4 permit\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl2\n#  5 remark TEST_PL2_REMARK\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl3\n#  6 permit eq 0\n# !\n\n\n# Using replaced:\n\n\n# Before state:\n# -------------\n# RP/0/0/CPU0:10#show running-config\n#\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_1\n#  1 deny 2001:db8:1234::/48\n# !\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_2\n#  2 remark TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl1\n#  3 remark TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n#  4 permit\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl2\n#  5 remark TEST_PL2_REMARK\n# !\n#\n\n\n- name: >-\n    Replace device configurations of listed prefix lists with provided\n    configurations\n  register: result\n  cisco.iosxr.iosxr_prefix_lists:\n    config:\n      - afi: ipv4\n        prefix_lists:\n          - name: pl1\n            entries:\n              - sequence: 3\n                action: permit\n                prefix:\n      - afi: ipv6\n        prefix_lists:\n          - name: pl_1\n            entries:\n              - prefix: \'2001:db8:1234::/48\'\n                action: permit\n                sequence: 1\n          - name: pl_2\n            entries:\n              - sequence: 2\n                action: remark\n                description: TEST_PL1_2\n    state: replaced\n\n\n# Task Output\n# -------------\n# before:\n# - afi: ipv6\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: deny\n#       prefix: 2001:db8:1234::/48\n#       sequence: 1\n#     name: pl_1\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n#       sequence: 2\n#     name: pl_2\n# - afi: ipv4\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n#       sequence: 3\n#     - action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#       sequence: 4\n#     name: pl1\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL2_REMARK\n#       sequence: 5\n#     name: pl2\n# commands:\n# - no ipv4 prefix-list pl1 3 remark TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n# - no ipv4 prefix-list pl1 4 permit\n# - ipv4 prefix-list pl1 3 permit\n# - ipv6 prefix-list pl_2 2 remark TEST_PL1_2\n# after:\n# - afi: ipv6\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: deny\n#       prefix: 2001:db8:1234::/48\n#       sequence: 1\n#     name: pl_1\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL1_2\n#       sequence: 2\n#     name: pl_2\n# - afi: ipv4\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#       sequence: 3\n#     name: pl1\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL2_REMARK\n#       sequence: 5\n#     name: pl2\n\n\n# After state:\n# RP/0/0/CPU0:10#show running-config\n#\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_1\n#  1 deny 2001:db8:1234::/48\n# !\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_2\n#  2 remark TEST_PL1_2\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl1\n#  3 permit\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl2\n#  5 remark TEST_PL2_REMARK\n#\n# Module Execution:\n#\n\n\n# Using deleted:\n\n\n# Before state:\n# -------------\n# RP/0/0/CPU0:10#show running-config\n#\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_1\n#  1 deny 2001:db8:1234::/48\n# !\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_2\n#  2 remark TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl1\n#  3 remark TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n#  4 permit\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl2\n#  5 remark TEST_PL2_REMARK\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl3\n#  6 permit eq 0\n\n- name: Delete all prefix-lists from the device\n  cisco.iosxr.iosxr_prefix_lists:\n    state: deleted\n\n# Task Output\n# -------------\n# before:\n# - afi: ipv6\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - name: pl_1\n#     entries:\n#     - prefix: 2001:db8:1234::/48\n#       action: deny\n#       sequence: 1\n#   - name: pl_2\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 2\n#       action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n# - afi: ipv4\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - name: pl1\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 3\n#       action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n#     - sequence: 4\n#       action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#   - name: pl2\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 5\n#       action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL2_REMARK\n#   - name: pl3\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 6\n#       action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#       eq: 0\n# commands:\n# - no ipv6 prefix-list pl_1\n# - no ipv6 prefix-list pl_2\n# - no ipv4 prefix-list pl1\n# - no ipv4 prefix-list pl2\n# - no ipv4 prefix-list pl3\n# after: []\n\n\n# After state:\n# RP/0/0/CPU0:10#show running-config\n#\n\n# using gathered:\n\n\n# After state:\n# ------------\n# RP/0/0/CPU0:10#show running-config\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_1\n#  1 deny 2001:db8:1234::/48\n# !\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_2\n#  2 remark TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl1\n#  3 remark TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n#  4 permit\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl2\n#  5 remark TEST_PL2_REMARK\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl3\n#  6 permit eq 0\n# !\n\n\n- name: Gather ACL interfaces facts using gathered state\n  cisco.iosxr.iosxr_prefix_lists:\n    state: gathered\n\n# gathered:\n# - afi: ipv6\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - name: pl_1\n#     entries:\n#     - prefix: 2001:db8:1234::/48\n#       action: deny\n#       sequence: 1\n#   - name: pl_2\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 2\n#       action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n# - afi: ipv4\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - name: pl1\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 3\n#       action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n#     - sequence: 4\n#       action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#   - name: pl2\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 5\n#       action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL2_REMARK\n#   - name: pl3\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 6\n#       action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#       eq: 0\n\n\n# Using parsed:\n\n\n# parsed.cfg\n# ------------------------------\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_1\n#  1 deny 2001:db8:1234::/48\n# !\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_2\n#  2 remark TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl1\n#  3 remark TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n#  4 permit\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl2\n#  5 remark TEST_PL2_REMARK\n\n\n- name: Parse externally provided Prefix_lists config to agnostic model\n  cisco.iosxr.iosxr_prefix_lists:\n    running_config: \'{{ lookup(\'\'file\'\', \'\'./fixtures/parsed.cfg\'\') }}\'\n    state: parsed\n\n\n# Task Output\n# -------------\n# parsed:\n# - afi: ipv6\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - name: pl_1\n#     entries:\n#     - prefix: 2001:db8:1234::/48\n#       action: deny\n#       sequence: 1\n#   - name: pl_2\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 2\n#       action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n# - afi: ipv4\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - name: pl1\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 3\n#       action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n#     - sequence: 4\n#       action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#   - name: pl2\n#     entries:\n#     - sequence: 5\n#       action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL2_REMARK\n#     - sequence: 6\n#       action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#       eq: 0\n\n\n# Using rendered:\n\n\n- name: Render platform specific commands from task input using rendered state\n  register: result\n  cisco.iosxr.iosxr_prefix_lists:\n    config:\n      - afi: ipv6\n        prefix_lists:\n          - name: pl_1\n            entries:\n              - prefix: \'2001:db8:1234::/48\'\n                action: deny\n                sequence: 1\n          - name: pl_2\n            entries:\n              - sequence: 2\n                action: remark\n                description: TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n      - afi: ipv4\n        prefix_lists:\n          - name: pl1\n            entries:\n              - sequence: 3\n                action: remark\n                description: TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n              - sequence: 4\n                action: permit\n                prefix:\n          - name: pl2\n            entries:\n              - sequence: 5\n                action: remark\n                description: TEST_PL2_REMARK\n              - sequence: 6\n                action: permit\n                prefix:\n                eq: 0\n    state: rendered\n\n\n# Task Output\n# -------------\n# "rendered": [\n#         "ipv6 prefix-list pl_1 1 deny 2001:db8:1234::/48",\n#         "ipv6 prefix-list pl_2 2 remark TEST_PL_2_REMARK",\n#         "ipv4 prefix-list pl1 3 remark TEST_PL1_2_REMARK",\n#         "ipv4 prefix-list pl1 4 permit",\n#         "ipv4 prefix-list pl2 5 remark TEST_PL2_REMARK",\n#         "ipv4 prefix-list pl2 6 permit eq 0"\n#     ]\n\n# Using overridden:\n\n\n# Before state:\n# -------------\n# RP/0/0/CPU0:10#show running-config\n#\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_1\n#  1 deny 2001:db8:1234::/48\n# !\n# ipv6 prefix-list pl_2\n#  2 remark TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl1\n#  3 remark TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n#  4 permit\n# !\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl2\n#  5 remark TEST_PL2_REMARK\n#\n- name: Overridde all Prefix_lists configuration with provided configuration\n  cisco.iosxr.iosxr_prefix_lists:\n    config:\n      - afi: ipv4\n        prefix_lists:\n          - name: pl3\n            entries:\n              - sequence: 3\n                action: remark\n                description: TEST_PL1_3_REMARK\n              - sequence: 4\n                action: permit\n                prefix:\n              - sequence: 6\n                action: permit\n                prefix:\n                eq: 0\n    state: overridden\n\n\n# Task Output\n# -------------\n# before:\n# - afi: ipv6\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: deny\n#       prefix: 2001:db8:1234::/48\n#       sequence: 1\n#     name: pl_1\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL_2_REMARK\n#       sequence: 2\n#     name: pl_2\n# - afi: ipv4\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL1_2_REMARK\n#       sequence: 3\n#     - action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#       sequence: 4\n#     name: pl1\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL2_REMARK\n#       sequence: 5\n#     name: pl2\n# commands:\n# - no ipv6 prefix-list pl_1\n# - no ipv6 prefix-list pl_2\n# - no ipv4 prefix-list pl1\n# - no ipv4 prefix-list pl2\n# - ipv4 prefix-list pl3 3 remark TEST_PL1_3_REMARK\n# - ipv4 prefix-list pl3 4 permit\n# - ipv4 prefix-list pl3 6 permit eq 0\n# after:\n# - afi: ipv4\n#   prefix_lists:\n#   - entries:\n#     - action: remark\n#       description: TEST_PL1_3_REMARK\n#       sequence: 3\n#     - action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#       sequence: 4\n#     - action: permit\n#       prefix:\n#       sequence: 6\n#       eq: 0\n#     name: pl3\n\n\n# After state:\n# RP/0/0/CPU0:10#show running-config\n#\n# ipv4 prefix-list pl3\n# 3 remark TEST_PL1_3_REMARK\n# 4 permit\n# 6 permit eq 0\n# !\n# !' as "yaml+jinja" resulted in an error at token: '.'. Retrying in relaxed mode.
collections/f5networks/f5_modules/abspath_filter.rst:138: WARNING: Lexing literal_block '# use filepath to install with absolute path\n- name: Install AS3 package if missing\n  bigip_lx_package:\n    package: "files/f5-appsvcs-3.36.1-1.noarch.rpm" | abspath' as "yaml+jinja" resulted in an error at token: ' '. Retrying in relaxed mode.
collections/ovirt/ovirt/json_query_filter.rst:139: WARNING: Lexing literal_block 'Query data using jmespath query language ( ). Example:\n- ansible.builtin.debug: msg="{{ instance | json_query(tagged_instances[*].block_device_mapping.*.volume_id\') }}"' as "yaml+jinja" resulted in an error at token: '.'. Retrying in relaxed mode.
oraNod commented 2 weeks ago

Yeah I plan to bring this up at the next DaWGs actually. I'd actually love to get package docs to the point where we can configure Sphinx to fail on WARNING and then set up nightly build runs so we can get notified early and fix things.

I guess there will be a lot of things to fix before we get to that point. However, I would like to see that as part of the collection inclusion convenant / agreement - collection docs must not produce any errors or warnings in the package docs build.

felixfontein commented 2 weeks ago

289, #290, and #291 should prevent/fix most of the antsibull-docs caused problems.