ansible-community / molecule-inspec

Molecule Inspec Verifier Plugin
MIT License
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No colorized inspec results #25

Open Cinux90 opened 2 years ago

Cinux90 commented 2 years ago

Would be nice to have a flag to disable colorized inspec output.


      "\u001b[38;5;41m       owner should eq \"root\"\u001b[0m",
      "\u001b[38;5;41m       group should eq \"root\"\u001b[0m",
      "\u001b[38;5;41m       mode should cmp == \"0644\"\u001b[0m",


      "       owner should eq \"root\"",
      "       group should eq \"root\"",
      "       mode should cmp == \"0644\"",

I know Inspec supports this. But no Idea if there is already a way to enable it via molecule. Otherwise is would be nice to have this feature in place. It helps to get more readable output.