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Podman: build compatible Ansible image task don't use custom podman executable #253

Closed ghoudmon closed 3 weeks ago

ghoudmon commented 2 months ago


Podman driver allows to customize the podman executable path. This custom path is passed to all containers.podman modules, except for the task Build an Ansible compatible image.

Current behavior

    - name: Build an Ansible compatible image # noqa: no-handler
          extra_args: >-
            {% if item.item.buildargs is defined %}{% for i, k in item.item.buildargs.items() %}--build-arg={{ i }}={{ k }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
            {% if item.item.pull is defined %}--pull={{ item.item.pull }}{% endif %}
          file: "{{ item.dest }}"
        name: "molecule_local/{{ item.item.image }}"
        path: "{{ molecule_scenario_directory }}"
        pull: "{{ item.item.pull | default(omit) }}"
      loop: "{{ platforms.results }}"

Expected behavior

    - name: Build an Ansible compatible image # noqa: no-handler
        executable: "{{ podman_exec }}"
          extra_args: >-
            {% if item.item.buildargs is defined %}{% for i, k in item.item.buildargs.items() %}--build-arg={{ i }}={{ k }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
            {% if item.item.pull is defined %}--pull={{ item.item.pull }}{% endif %}
          file: "{{ item.dest }}"
        name: "molecule_local/{{ item.item.image }}"
        path: "{{ molecule_scenario_directory }}"
        pull: "{{ item.item.pull | default(omit) }}"
      loop: "{{ platforms.results }}"