ansible-lockdown / RHEL7-CIS

Ansible role for Red Hat 7 CIS Baseline
MIT License
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Idempotent #222

Closed jlosito closed 3 years ago

jlosito commented 3 years ago

The following line within rule is not idempotent.

I'm testing this by running the following command several times and watching it finish execution with 1 change every time.

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts --limit myhost cis.yml --tags rule_5.4.1.4
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
myhost                : ok=16   changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=7    rescued=0    ignored=0

I believe this step could become idempotent by instead of running the useradd -D -f 30 command within the task, ansible directly manipulates the /etc/default/useradd configuration file through the lineinfile module or something similar. I believe the useradd program will use the values within this configuration according to the man pages.

When running the useradd -D -f 30 command, the /etc/default/useradd file should be updated as follows using the defaults within this role.

# grep INACTIVE /etc/default/useradd

The task might end up looking something like the following.

- name: "SCORED | | PATCH | Ensure inactive password lock is 30 days or less | Set default inactive setting"
    state: present
    dest: /etc/default/useradd
    regexp: '^INACTIVE'
    line: "INACTIVE={{ rhel7cis_inactivelock.lock_days }}"
uk-bolly commented 3 years ago


This has now been merged using PR #223.

