ansible-lockdown / RHEL8-CIS

Ansible role for Red Hat 8 CIS Baseline
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Ensure SSH X11 forwarding is disabled task only fixes first occurence #380

Open fgierlinger opened 3 weeks ago

fgierlinger commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the Issue The hardening guide requires to disable X11 forwarding unless there is an operational requirement. The task 5.2.12 accomplishes this with the lineinfile module. lineinfile only replaces the first occurrence of X11Forwarding. But X11Forwarding can appear multiple times in the ssh config. Once as a general option and once as an user option.

Expected Behavior All occurences of X11Forwarding should be disabled by the playbook.

Actual Behavior Only the first occurence of X11Forwarding is disabled by the playbook.

Control(s) Affected v8 4.8 Uninstall or Disable Unnecessary Services on Enterprise Assets and Software v7 9.2 Ensure Only Approved Ports, Protocols and Services Are Running

Environment (please complete the following information):

Additional Notes MVE of sshd_config

X11Forwarding yes

Match User anoncvs
    X11Forwarding yes

Possible Solution Use replace instead of lineinfile module. As there is a disabled match user block in the default sshd_config, a regex match on lines starting with # cannot be used as it would enable the indented line in the block. This could cause a config error. Therefore, only lines that are already enabled are checked. The default value for X11Forwarding on RHEL8 is no.

- name: "5.2.12 | PATCH | Ensure SSH X11 forwarding is disabled"
      path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      regexp: '^(\s*)X11Forwarding.*'
      replace: '\1X11Forwarding no'
      - rhel8cis_rule_5_2_12
      - level2-server
      - level1-workstation
      - automated
      - patch
      - ssh
      - rule_5.2.12
uk-bolly commented 1 week ago

hi @fgierlinger

Thank you for this issue, i can see you are referring to the older benchmark version 2.0.0. CIS v3.0 was released a while ago. I have therefore added these fixes to a new locked branch called benchamrk_v2.0.0.

I hope this helps.

Many thanks


fgierlinger commented 1 week ago

@uk-bolly The CIS v3.0 was released a while ago, but there has been no release of the RHEL8-CIS for CIS v3.0. The last release is the tag 2.6.0 (commit

Is there a chance to release a 2.0.1 / 2.1.0 for the changes on the benchmark_v2.0.0 branch?

But the issue persists in the devel branch. DisableForwarding can also be part of a Match block and therefore occur multiple times in a _sshdconfig. Using ansible.builtin.replace instead of ansible.builtin.lineinfile is advices.

uk-bolly commented 1 week ago

hi @fgierlinger

Thank you for the feedback, our process is a devel to main normally after a couple of weeks to confirm no issues. As i noticed you stated you were using a specific tag i have created the fix for that release of the benchmark as we can't easily add this into devel. Its why we have the long period of time between devel and main releases to hopefully pick these kind of things up.

I am already working on the next push to devel for these fixes before we release to main for the v3.0.0 release, which is likely to be either the end of this week or next week.

I hope that makes sense?

many thanks again for your feedback and time.
