ansible-lockdown / UBUNTU22-CIS

Ansible role for Ubuntu22 CIS Baseline
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5.4.3 Not being triggered due to regexp not matching. #145

Closed zac90 closed 7 months ago

zac90 commented 8 months ago

Describe the Issue It appears that the following task does not run when it should. I believe it is because the regexp is far too exact and isn't matching the actual line in a more general way.

        - name: "5.4.3 | PATCH | Ensure password reuse is limited | Set remember value if pam_unix does exist"
            path: /etc/pam.d/common-password
            regexp: '^(?P<begin>[^\S\n]*password[^\S\n]+.*[^\S\n]+)(?P<remember>(?P<before>.+?)remember=[0-9]+[^\S\n]?)?(?P<after>.*)$'
            line: '\g<begin>\g<before>remember={{ ubtu22cis_pamd_pwhistory_remember }} \g<after>'
            backrefs: true
            - ubtu22cis_5_4_3_pam_unix_state.stdout | length > 0
            - "'remember' not in ubtu22cis_5_4_3_pam_unix_state.stdout"

Expected Behavior The remember={{ ubtu22cis_pamd_pwhistory_remember }} option should be added.

Actual Behavior My printout of the grep line is:

~# grep 'password.*' /etc/pam.d/common-password
password   [success=1 default=ignore] obscure use_authtok try_first_pass

So it appears that when the remember option doesn't exist, it won't try updating that line.

Control(s) Affected 5.4.3

Possible Solution Make the regex simpler and more generic to match key parts of the line instead of trying to match the whole exact line. You can also add the insertafter option to add the line if the regexp doesn't match. That would ensure the line exists.