ansible-lockdown / UBUNTU22-CIS

Ansible role for Ubuntu22 CIS Baseline
MIT License
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3.1.1 Regex will not match when ipv6.disable=(0|1) not already present in /etc/default/grub #151

Closed LoZZoL closed 7 months ago

LoZZoL commented 8 months ago

Describe the Issue Task 3.1.1 to disable ipv6 in grub does not work when the regex 'ipv6.disable=(0|1) is not already present in /etc/default/grub

Expected Behavior Task should locate existing 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=' line and either a) change the existing value of ipv6.disable to 1 OR b) add ipv6.disable=1 when it doesn't exist.

Actual Behavior If ipv6.disable=(0|1) isn't already present in /etc/default/grub, nothing is changed.

Control(s) Affected 3.1.1

Environment (please complete the following information):

Possible Solution Change the regex to the following:


- name: "3.1.1 | PATCH | Ensure system is checked to determine if IPv6 is enabled | Add ipv6.disable if does not exist"
            path: /etc/default/grub
            regexp: '^(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=.*)ipv6.disable=(0|1)(.*$)'
            line: '\g<1>\g<3> ipv6.disable=1'
            backrefs: true
        when: ubtu22cis_ipv6_disable == 'grub'
        notify: Grub update


      - name: "3.1.1 | PATCH | Ensure system is checked to determine if IPv6 is enabled | Replace ipv6.disable if it exists"
            path: /etc/default/grub
            regexp: '^(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=.*)\bipv6\.disable=\d\b(.*$)'
            replace: '\1ipv6.disable=1\2'
        when: ubtu22cis_ipv6_disable == 'grub'
        register: ipv6disable_replaced
        notify: Grub update

      - name: "3.1.1 | PATCH | Ensure system is checked to determine if IPv6 is enabled | Insert ipv6.disable if it doesn't exist"
            path: /etc/default/grub
            regexp: '^(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".*)"$'
            line: '\1 ipv6.disable=1"'
            backrefs: true
        when: ipv6disable_replaced is not changed
        notify: Grub update