ansible / ansible-kubernetes-modules

DEPRECATED Ansible role containing pre-release K8s modules
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target_port should accept integer from variable #19

Closed rahulinux closed 7 years ago

rahulinux commented 7 years ago


"Failed to create object: Service \"hello\" is invalid: spec.ports[0].targetPort: Invalid value: \"8080\": must contain at least one letter or number (a-z, 0-9)"


      - port: "{{  env_vars.PORT | int }}"
        target_port: "{{  env_vars.PORT | int }}"
        name: "{{ name }}"

After removing target_port, as per doc, it will use port value, it works. but after re-run playbook, it throw msg Failed to patch object: unrecognized type: int32

Why target_port type is str and port type is int ?

fabianvf commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately this is an issue with the API spec [1]. In the spec for port, the type is integer (int32), while the type of targetPort is string. We could probably work around this by adding a special case or something like that.

  1. (this link is for an old version of kubernetes, but the is having certificate errors right now so I can't get to the updated doc)
fabianvf commented 7 years ago

If you want to propose adding a special case workaround, please file the issue against, where the logic for this resides.