Closed nobody93 closed 7 years ago
does inventory_hostname resolve to an IP ?
Yes, there is no fundmantal issues as I've run the ansible for months using many modules in many roles without problems, but wat_for module issue is currently sting ing us badly.
Works for me on devel 2.0
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
PLAY [Test all-databases] *****************************************************
TASK: [reboot | Reboot] *******************************************************
changed: []
TASK: [reboot | wait_restart] *************************************************
ok: [ ->]
PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
Give devel a shot @jupiterh
i cannot reproduce this issue, do you have any more information?
FWIW wait_for: host=... timeout=300
is equivalent to time.sleep(300)
if you don't provide a port (or path, or use state=drained):
@gregswift, ping. This issue is still waiting on your response. click here for bot help
I believe I might just have encountered the same issue. I've been experimenting with ansible installed to Fedora 24 (ansible control host), with "ubuntu/trusty64" as current Vagrant base image. To me it seems as if Ansible is always waiting_for the localhost to come up for (delay+timeout) time, despite the other tasks use {{ inventory_hostname }} appropriately.
vagrant provision
==> myserver: Running provisioner: ansible...
myserver: Running ansible-playbook...
PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR=true ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=false ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS='-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i '/path/to/vagrant/private_key' -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s' ansible-playbook --connection=ssh --timeout=30 --extra-vars=ansible_ssh_user='vagrant' --limit='myserver' --inventory-file=/etc/ansible/hosts -v site/myservers.yml
Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file
TASK [myservers : restart machine] *******************************************
ok: [myserver] => {"ansible_job_id": "697120816534.2727", "changed": false, "finished": 0, "results_file": "/my/path/replaced", "started": 1}
TASK [myservers : debug variable values] *************************************
ok: [myserver] => {
"msg": "System myserver has uuid NA"
TASK [myservers : waiting for server to come back] ***************************
ok: [myserver -> **localhost**] => {"changed": false, "elapsed": **330**, "path": null, "port": null, "search_regex": null, "state": "started"}
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
myserver : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
Here is the the restart task grabbed from somewhere in the 'net with debugging information printed (myservers.yml)
- name: restart machine
shell: sleep 2 && shutdown -r now "Ansible updates triggered"
async: 1
poll: 0
become: true
ignore_errors: true
- name: debug variable values
debug: msg="System {{ inventory_hostname }} has uuid {{ ansible_product_uuid }}"
- name: waiting for server to come back
local_action: wait_for host={{ inventory_hostname }} state=started delay=**30** timeout=**300**
sudo: false
(..) "private_network", ip: ""
config.vm.hostname = "myserver"
config.vm.define "myserver"
ansible.inventory_path = "/etc/ansible/hosts"
myserver ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_user='vagrant' ansible_ssh_private_key_file='/path/to/vagrant/private_key' ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
(after vagrant up)
$ ansible myserver -m ping
myserver | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
@mrummuka Your wait_for doesnt specify port or path, and so the module actually just does a sleep for defined timeout period. I haven't looked into what causes this, but I believe that without a specific delegate wait_for will delegate to localhost for a remote check because the target host would be down during the waiting.
OK, I did some additional experimentation and here are my observations:
fatal: [myserver -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "elapsed": 31, "failed": true, "msg": "Timeout when waiting for myserver:22"}
Therefore, after adding myserver to /etc/hosts the wait_for command (with port=22 added) started working as expected (although IMO still reporting what is connecting and where incorrectly?).
TASK [myservers : waiting for server to come back] ***************************
ok: [myserver -> localhost] => {"changed": false, "elapsed": 25, "path": null, "port": 22, "search_regex": null, "state": "started"}
So, could it be that while ansible in general follows the hostname to ip mapping defined in ansible/hosts, the local_action wait_for ignores it and relies on local operating system instead? And if this is then the case, is this occurrence then a bug, or (perhaps just an undocumented) feature?
@mrummuka I completely missed that you were defining it as a local action. that would be why its delegating locally
@mrummuka, @jupiterh modules only know the info you give them, they cannot do 'inventory resolution' themselves.
Whatever you pass to hostname
will be what the module tries to connect to, if inventory_hostname
is not resolvable try using ansible_host
@gregswift, ping. This issue is still waiting on your response. click here for bot help
@jupiterh ping, this issue is still waiting on your feedback. We will close the issue if you do not respond. click here for bot help
@jupiterh ping, this issue is still waiting on your feedback. We will close the issue if you do not respond. click here for bot help
@jupiterh ping, this issue is still waiting on your feedback. We will close the issue if you do not respond. click here for bot help
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The following statment stuck until the timeout, it cannot detect host back after rebooting. The version is 1.9 from git source.