ansible / awx-ee

An Ansible execution environment for AWX project
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Bump ansible-runner minimum version #188

Closed AlanCoding closed 1 year ago

AlanCoding commented 1 year ago

As I merge, it is expected that AWX users should be able to use this.

AlanCoding commented 1 year ago

I don't believe this is strictly necessary. Pulling it right now:

$ podman images
REPOSITORY                         TAG            IMAGE ID      CREATED        SIZE             latest         bd3a8ea058e7  6 hours ago    1.51 GB

you get

$ podman run --rm --tty --interactive /bin/bash
bash-5.1$ ansible-runner worker --help | grep keep
                             [--keepalive-seconds KEEPALIVE_SECONDS]
  --keepalive-seconds KEEPALIVE_SECONDS
                        Emit a synthetic keepalive event every N seconds of

So at least the main build process doesn't strictly need the pin, because it will take the most recent.