ansible / awx-operator

An Ansible AWX operator for Kubernetes built with Operator SDK and Ansible. 🤖
Apache License 2.0
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Add ee_image description directly from déployment files #1861

Open JSGUYOT opened 2 weeks ago

JSGUYOT commented 2 weeks ago

Please confirm the following

Feature Summary

Hello Teams,

Can you add possibility to add description on ee_images directly from deployment files ?

Actually, specs ars :

  image: myorg/my-custom-awx
  image_version: latest
  image_pull_policy: Always
    - pull_secret_name
    - name: my-custom-awx-ee
      image: myorg/my-custom-awx-ee
  control_plane_ee_image: myorg/my-custom-awx-ee:latest
  init_container_image: myorg/my-custom-awx-ee
  init_container_image_version: latest
  init_projects_container_image: myorg/my-mirrored-centos:stream9

Add description like this :

    - name: my-custom-awx-ee
      image: myorg/my-custom-awx-ee
      description: my best description for this awx-ee image

Result of this must be add description of awx-ee image in AWX GUI execution enviromenent :

Thanks in adavance.

Best regards

thedoubl3j commented 1 week ago

We are hesitant to add more things to the AWX Schema currently. We understand the want to keep things nice and neat in a yaml file but as a work around, you could use the awx collection as day 2 operations of deployment to add your EEs. The collection module does support adding a description (module code found here