ansible / awx-resource-operator

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Move to a namespace-scoped operator approach for better security #51

Closed rooftopcellist closed 3 years ago

rooftopcellist commented 3 years ago

Related awx-operator PR:

I propose we move the awx-resource-operator from a cluster-scoped operator to a namespace-scoped operator. At a high level this means only Roles for service accounts, no ClusterRoles, and it also means that operators & AWX Resource deployments will have a 1-to-1 relationship.

Zokormazo commented 3 years ago

If AWX Resource deployments are needed in multiple namespaces, multiple awx-resource-operators can be deployed to accomplish this.

Do we have to modify the namespace on Role and ClusterRole manually to accomplish this?

rooftopcellist commented 3 years ago

@Zokormazo absolutely right, I have removed spots where the namespace had been hard-coded, as we talked about.

rooftopcellist commented 3 years ago

Templating Additions

The latest commit on this PR makes it possible to template out the tower-resource-operator.yaml definition file.


Example usage for testing changes by building images:

# Set Context
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=default

# Build & Push Operator
operator-sdk build
docker push

# Build job launch job container
docker build -t -f build/Dockerfile.runner .
docker push 

# Template tower-resource-operator.yaml file
ansible-playbook ansible/chain-operator-files.yml -e -e operator_version=dev -e -e runner_version=dev

# Deploy the Operator'
kubectl create -f deploy/tower-resource-operator.yaml 

Namespace-scoped Operator changes

This can now be deployed to any namespace (not just tower-operator ns).
There are no longer any access errors when deploying. created created
serviceaccount/tower-resource-operator created created created
deployment.apps/tower-resource-operator created
$ oc get pods
NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
tower-resource-operator-5695559dd-ckw27   1/1     Running   0          12m
$ oc get deployments
NAME                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
tower-resource-operator   1/1     1            1           12m